‘Neither can I. And speaking of James...’ Sebastian raised a hand as they entered the shop.

‘You again?’ His old friend looked up from a ledger book and grinned. ‘I thought you were out for the day?’


‘I beg your pardon?’

‘I need them for the boys,’ Henrietta interjected. ‘I’ll just be a moment.’

‘So...’ James gave Sebastian a subtle nudge in the ribs as Henrietta walked across to a different counter. ‘Still just friends?’

‘Trying to be. It’s not easy, but it’s all she wants.’

‘Ah. Well, I’m not the man to give advice about unrequited affection, I’m afraid, although spending so much time with her might not be the best thing for your sanity.’

‘I know. Only I’m not sure leaving would do me any good either. And I made a promise.’

‘To her?’

‘To one of her nephews. So...’ He spread his hands out in a futile gesture. ‘I can’t go anywhere, sane or not.’

‘All done.’ Henrietta came back with a full basket and a smile. ‘I’m glad we bumped into you, Mr Redbourne. Sebastian told me you’ve been helping him look for David.’

‘Yes. I only wish we’d had more success.’

‘You still tried and I’m grateful.’

‘Well then...’ Sebastian found himself offering his arm, vaguely irritated by the way she was smiling at his friend. ‘We’d better get back to Belles.’

‘And I’d better get back to work.’ James lifted an eyebrow before smiling at Henrietta. ‘Good day, Miss Gardiner.’

‘Mr Redbourne.’

Henrietta gave Sebastian a quizzical look as they stepped back on to the pavement. ‘Are you in a hurry?’

‘Me? No, but I thought you might want to check up on your new assistant. What does she call herself again? Belinda?’

‘Yes... Wait! How do you know that’s not her real name?’


‘Oh... All right, it’s not.’

‘Belinda Smith, by any chance?’

‘No.’ Her lips twitched. ‘Belinda Carr. And she’s doing very well in the shop. As for the baking...she’s learning.’

‘As bad as that?’

She lifted her shoulders as if she were trying to be charitable. ‘She’s doing her best, but it might take a while. Nancy and I are taking turns to give her lessons, but we haven’t had much success so far. I don’t think she’s ever set foot in a kitchen before, let alone prepared any food.’ A small giggle escaped her. ‘You should have seen her face the first time she saw the rolling pin. I think she thought Nancy was about to attack her.’

‘Knowing Miss MacQueen, that’s surely a reasonable assumption?’

‘Nancy wouldn’t hurt a fly.’

‘I beg to differ. She tipped me off a sofa, remember?’

‘Only because she thought you were a burglar.’