‘Sorry about that.’ Henrietta looked apologetically at Sebastian after they’d all scurried inside. ‘You know, you mustn’t feel obliged to stay and help us.’

‘So you keep saying.’

‘But surely you want to go and visit your family soon?’

‘Ye-es.’ He felt a stab of guilt at the words. He really ought to be heading north, but somehow he couldn’t bring himself to leave Bath either. ‘I’ve had a letter from my mother, as it happens.’

‘Oh? How is she?’

‘Very well. Only it seems that Anna isn’t in Derbyshire at all. The Earl’s grandfather is ill and they’ve gone to stay with him.’

‘Oh, dear. I’m afraid that sounds s

erious. He seemed very frail the last time I saw him.’

‘Apparently it is. So Anna is in Retford, although my mother still urges me to visit her and my...’ he clenched his jaw, steeling himself to say the words ‘...my grandmother and uncle in Yorkshire.’

‘Don’t you want to?’ She looked at him curiously.

‘I suppose so.’ He pressed two fingers against the bridge of his nose and squeezed. ‘It’s just that I never imagined a reconciliation was even possible. It’s hard to accept a family I’ve never met before, especially given the circumstances.’

‘From what Anna told me, your grandmother never wanted the estrangement in the first place, but your grandfather was very proud.’ She placed a hand on his arm with a sympathetic expression. ‘There may be more to the story than you think.’

‘Perhaps.’ He resisted the urge to put his own hand on top of hers. ‘But it’s still hard to feel enthusiastic, especially when...’ he paused, trying to think of a way to finish the sentence that didn’t involve mentioning her ‘...when Bath is my home. I feel as though I’m just settling back in.’

‘I’m sure—Oh!’ She came to a halt abruptly.

‘Henrietta?’ He turned to her in alarm. Her expression looked strained all of a sudden, as if her skin was pulled too tightly across her cheekbones. ‘Are you all right?’

‘Yes. No. I just didn’t realise we were walking this way.’

‘I thought it would make a nice change.’

‘Yes, but...’ She looked up at him and then quickly away. ‘Can we take another route?’

‘Of course, but what’s the matter?’ He looked up and down the street, trying to work out what had upset her. Everything looked perfectly normal to him.

‘The shop where I used to work is over there.’ Her voice sounded noticeably smaller than before.

‘Ah.’ He followed the direction of her gaze. ‘I understand. In that case, we’ll go another way.’

‘Thank you.’

‘So...what do you need to buy?’ Sebastian asked, discreetly changing the subject after a few minutes of walking in silence. ‘Now that we’re out shopping.’

‘Hmm?’ She sounded preoccupied. ‘Oh, new stockings for the boys. I’ve given up on Oliver’s.’

‘Redbourne’s, then?’

‘Yes. I thought I might buy us something nice for tea, too. You’re obviously invited, only...’

‘James isn’t?’

‘I’m afraid I wouldn’t dare.’ She made an apologetic face. ‘Once Nancy makes up her mind about a person, there’s not much anyone else can do about it.’

‘It’s strange. I’ve tried asking what she’s got against him, but he won’t say a word.’

‘I’m sure it’s all a big misunderstanding. I can’t imagine him doing anything hurtful.’