‘Ye-es.’ She was faintly perturbed by the stern change in his demeanour. ‘She told me just before her wedding to the Earl. All about your mother eloping with a footman, too. It sounded very romantic.’

‘I suppose it was, until her family cut her off without a penny. Or has she forgotten that part?’ He clenched his jaw, his throat working silently for a few seconds. ‘Now, what time do your nephews finish at school?’


‘Then I’d better hurry if I’m going to get to Ashley and back in time. With your permission, I thought I’d take them to Sydney Gardens this afternoon. They need to start cadet training in earnest if they’re going to be captains by the time they’re twenty.’

She hesitated, still uncertain about accepting his help, but they were friends now, weren’t they? And if it helped to find David... The thought decided her.

‘I think they’d enjoy Sydney Gardens very much. Definitely more than whatever jobs Nancy has planned, but I’d like to come, too, if she doesn’t mind looking after the shop. I need to tell them that they’ll be staying with me for a little while and they’re bound to have questions.’

‘Good point.’

‘I was actually wondering whether it might be better to tell them that David’s unwell? Then if—when—he changes his mind and comes back, they’ll never know that he left.’ She paused. ‘What do you think?’

‘I can see why you might want to, given the circumstances...’ Sebastian made a face.


‘But if he doesn’t come back and they think that you deceived them... It might make things worse in the long run. They seem like bright boys and you don’t want to lose their trust.’

‘So, you think that honesty is the best policy?’ She chewed her bottom lip thoughtfully. ‘Maybe you’re right. I just can’t bear the thought of them being hurt any more or feeling they’re not wanted.’

‘But they have an aunt who loves them.’ He stopped outside Belles and turned to face her, his dark gaze boring into hers so intently that she could almost feel it like a touch on her skin. ‘Don’t underestimate that.’

She felt her breath catch, her legs feeling slightly unsteady all of a sudden, unable to think of a response. There it was again, that temptation to lay her head on his shoulder, only not to cry this time, just to be close, to wrap her arms around him and feel his arms around her. What would his shoulders feel like beneath her fingertips? What would it be like simply to be held?

‘Now, if you’ll excuse me.’ His gaze dropped to her lips for a fleeting moment before he moved away. ‘I need to go and see a man about a horse. I’ll see you this afternoon.’

She nodded, feeling oddly disorientated as he bowed and walked away. She still wasn’t entirely sure why he was helping her, but at that moment she was extremely, possibly foolishly, glad that he was.

Chapter Nine

‘So, he’s just abandoned them?’ James summarised, holding on to the horse

’s bridle while Sebastian climbed the mounting block.

‘That’s what it looks like. He left sometime this morning.’

‘Poor Miss Gardiner, but if he doesn’t want to be found then he’s not likely to go anywhere familiar, is he?’

‘Probably not,’ Sebastian conceded, throwing one leg over the saddle. ‘But it’s still worth a try. Thanks for the horse, by the way.’

‘Don’t mention it. Dulcie’s a docile old creature, but she’ll get you there all right.’

‘Docile is good.’ Sebastian picked up the reins with a grimace. ‘It’s been five years since I last did this. Where are the oars again?’

‘The same place as the mast.’ James looked mildly concerned. ‘Are you sure you wouldn’t prefer to take the cart?’

‘I’d much rather take the cart, but it’ll take too long. I said I’d be back by early afternoon.’

‘I’m sure she’d prefer to have you back in one piece, but it’s up to you. Good luck.’ James gave him a pointed look. ‘Try not to fall off.’

‘I’ll do my best.’ Sebastian nudged his legs and set off. It was approximately six miles to Ashley, just over an hour’s ride if he took it steady, which between him and Dulcie was probably the only way he could take it. Then he’d need an hour in the village to look around and make friends with the local innkeeper, followed by another hour to ride back. He wouldn’t get back to Bath in time to collect the boys from school, but they’d still have plenty of time to spend in Sydney Gardens.

He rubbed a hand over the mare’s neck, vaguely wondering what on earth he was doing. He was supposed to be visiting his family and enjoying his newfound freedom, not volunteering to ride around the countryside on behalf of a woman who’d asked him to treat her like a sister, in search of a man he’d never met. It couldn’t just be because it was what Anna would want him to do, could it? He didn’t know, but then he was finding it hard to think clearly about anything involving Henrietta.

In truth, his mind was still preoccupied with the smile she’d given him that morning. He hadn’t been certain how she’d react to seeing him again, but the way her face had come to life when she had, as if she were genuinely happy, had turned her from beautiful into...what? He couldn’t even think of a word to do her justice. Radiant, exquisite, ravishing, pulchritudinous? It had started with a gleam in her eyes and then the rest of her features had followed suit and before he’d known it, her whole face had lit up as if she were glowing from within.