‘It’s not that difficult a question.’ James gave him a puzzled look. ‘The food’s going to get cold if you keep staring at your plate much longer.’

‘Sorry.’ Sebastian came back to himself with a jolt. ‘It is to do with Miss Gardiner, as a matter of fact, only not in the way that you think. She needs help.’

‘With the shop?’ James looked surprised.

‘No, some trouble with her brother and nephews.’ He picked up his knife and fork again. ‘It’ll probably only be for a few more days, just until I know that she’s all right. The end of the week at the most. It’s what Anna would want me to do.’

‘Naturally.’ James smirked over the rim of his coffee cup. ‘What other reason could there possibly be?’

* * *

‘Do we have to go to school?’ Michael complained as Henrietta marched him and his brothers out of the shop and along Swainswick Crescent. ‘Can’t we stay and help you sell biscuits?’

‘No. Learning is more important.’ She clutched Oliver’s five-year-old hand firmly in hers. ‘Besides, it’s only for the morning. Then you can come back and do some jobs for me.’

‘Will you teach us to bake?’

‘If you like.’

‘I’d rather learn about life in the navy,’ Peter interjected. ‘I’m going to be a sailor one day.’

‘Really?’ Henrietta glanced at him in surprise. ‘I didn’t know that you liked the water.’

‘He wants to run away to sea like Sebastian when he grows up. He said so last night.’ Michael smirked, elbowing his brother in the ribs and earning himself a fist in the arm back.

‘No fighting, the pair of you!’ Henrietta jabbed a hand between them. ‘And it’s Mr Fortini to you.’

‘He said that we could call him Sebastian.’

‘That’s not the point.’

‘But he said so!’

‘It’s true, I did!’ a familiar deep voice called out from behind them. ‘As may you, Miss Gardiner, if you wish?’

‘Oh!’ Henrietta whirled around in surprise, spinning Oliver along with her. ‘Where did you...?’

‘Come from?’ He grinned lopsidedly. ‘The same place as you, only I went into Belles through the back way and Miss MacQueen told me you’d just left through the front. I have to admit, it was quite a challenge to catch up with your fast pace.’

‘We’re late for school,’ Michael informed him.

‘But I thought you were leaving?’ Henrietta gasped and then winced at the sound of her own words. ‘Not that I wanted you to leave. Or to stay,’ she added quickly. ‘I just...’ She shook her head, wondering what was the matter with her tongue. Not to mention her stomach, which seemed to have bounced all the way up to her chest, lifting her spirits along with it. Even her pulse seemed to be accelerating, pounding so fast it was actually hard to draw enough air into her lungs. Despite the embarrassment of the previous night, she felt quite ridiculously, ludicrously happy to see him again—and somehow unable to stop smiling. ‘Forgive me, I’m just surprised, that’s all. I thought you’d be on your way north by now.’

‘So did I.’ He shrugged in a faintly bemused manner. ‘Only I decided I wasn’t quite ready to leave yet. I have a few old friends I’d like to catch up with, as well as three young cadets to train.’

‘Really, sir?’ Peter’s face lit up. ‘Will you teach us to be sailors?’

‘As long as you go to school first and without any complaining.’ Sebastian winked at him. ‘I actually wondered if you’d allow me to walk with you, Miss Gardiner? To signal the start of our new friendship?’

‘You should call her Henrietta,’ Michael interjected. ‘If she’s allowed to call you Sebastian. It’s only fair.’

‘I wouldn’t presume...’

‘But Michael’s right. It is only fair.’ She found herself smiling even wider in agreement. ‘I’d be delighted if you’d escort us... Sebastian.’

‘Then it would be my pleasure.’ He tilted his head to one side, his dark eyes gleaming with what looked like satisfaction. ‘I’d offer you my arm, but it appears this young gentleman has beaten me to it. What do you two say?’ He held his hands out to Peter and Michael. ‘Will you walk with me instead?’

‘Yes, Sebastian!’