‘You know very well what well means!’

‘What does it mean?’ Michael looked between them both quizzically.

‘Nothing. Finish your milk.’

‘Go after him.’ Nancy wasn’t so easily put off. ‘Say goodbye properly.’

‘I just did.’

‘With about as much warmth as an icicle!’

‘Don’t call me an ice queen!’ Henrietta whirled on her. ‘You know how I hate that.’

‘All right, but he deserved better and I don’t say that about any man very often. He was very worried about you earlier.’

‘He was?’

‘Yes! We were going to go and search for you when you arrived.’

‘I still don’t think...’

‘Go!’ Nancy pointed an imperative finger towards the hallway. ‘Say it properly and without an audience. You’ll regret it if you don’t.’

* * *

‘Mr Fortini?’

Sebastian had one foot out of the door and on to the pavement when Miss Gardiner came hurrying through the shop towards him. After all the commotion of the evening, she was looking somewhat dishevelled. Still beautiful, but with a few golden tendrils hanging loose around her face.

‘Miss Gardiner?’ He shifted his weight back over the threshold. ‘Did I forget something?’

‘No, but I...’ She stopped a few feet away and clasped her hands together, seemingly reluctant to meet his eyes. ‘I had a message for Anna.’


‘Yes. If you don’t mind, that is?’

‘Not at all.’ He waited a few seconds. ‘Only you might have to tell me what it is first.’

‘Oh...of course... Just tell her that everything’s all right here. With Belles, I mean. And please give her my best wishes.’

‘I’ll be sure to pass that on.’

‘Thank you.’

‘Was there something else?’ He lifted an eyebrow when she didn’t move.

‘I... Yes.’ She pulled her shoulders back and looked at him finally. ‘I wanted to say thank you for being so kind to my nephews. They’ve been through a great deal over the past few months.’

‘Peter told me about their mother, that she passed away in the summer. I’m sorry.’

‘But the way that you spoke to them tonight, telling them to take care of me like that... I think you’ve made them feel ten feet tall.’

‘I hope so. There are a lot of boys in the navy around Peter’s age. Powder keggers, cabin boys, servants... It’s not uncommon for them to feel lost away from home, but giving them a sense of purpose always helps.’

‘Well, you’ve helped them—and me.’ She cleared her throat. ‘Which is why I also want to apologise for the way I behaved this morning. There are certain subjects that I’m a little sensitive about.

Oversensitive, perhaps. I thought that you...’ She stopped and gave her head a small shake. ‘It doesn’t matter what I thought. What matters is that I misjudged you and I’m sorry.’