‘I noticed. This morning I told her she looked beautiful and—’

‘Never say that!’ Miss MacQueen practically hissed, shoving past him towards the door. ‘That’s the worst thing you could possibly say!’

‘That she’s beautiful?’


‘But why?’

‘Because...’ She opened her mouth and then clamped it shut again. ‘That’s her business. Just remember not to—Oh!’

He never discovered what not to do as the back door flew open suddenly and the woman in question herself bundled in, flanked by two young boys and carrying another, smaller one in her arms.

‘What on earth...?’ Miss MacQueen’s mouth fell open. ‘What happened?’

‘David’s lost his job.’ Miss Gardiner sounded breathless. ‘And when I got to his house he was—’ She stopped, her eyes widening in surprise as they settled on Sebastian.

‘Sozzled.’ One of the boys finished her sentence for her. ‘Bosky. Three sheets to the wind. Stewed. That’s what Mr Roper said.’

‘Mr Roper’s one of the neighbours,’ Miss Gardiner explained with a pained expression. ‘I gave his son a shilling to stay and keep an eye on David tonight, but I didn’t want to leave the boys. I was going to make them a meal, but...’

‘It looked like a pigsty,’ the same boy piped up again. ‘That’s what Mrs Roper said.’

‘It was.’ Miss Gardiner looked faintly mortified and then sighed. ‘I thought about tidying up, but there was so much to do and it was getting late so I decided to bring them here for a bath and something to eat instead. They can sleep in my bed tonight.’

‘And you can share with me.’ Miss MacQueen had already removed her outdoor clothes and was rubbing her hands together briskly. ‘Right, boys. Come with me and I’ll show you where you can put your things.’

‘Let me help, too.’ Sebastian stepped forward, holding his arms out for the sleeping child in Miss Gardiner’s arms and feeling somewhat shaken by the intensity of his emotions. He’d been so relieved at the sight of her that he’d actually found himself unable to speak for a few moments. ‘This one looks heavy.’

‘I’m not!’ a sleepy voice protested from over her shoulder.

‘Only because you’re such a strapping young man.’ He smiled as a youthful face turned to peer at him. ‘You’ll soon be carrying ladies about yourself, I’ll wager. How old are you? Fifteen?’


‘No! That’s incredible.’ He turned back to Miss Gardiner as the boy giggled. ‘Please? You look as though you’re about to collapse.’

‘I admit I am a little tired.’ She hesitated for another moment before handing the boy over with a sigh of relief.

‘Your nephews, I presume?’

‘Yes. This is Oliver and the other two are Michael and Peter.’ She gave a tentative smile. ‘Michael’s the talkative one, but I’m sorry for bringing them here. I hope you don’t mind.’

‘Why would I mind?’

‘Because Belles belongs to your family. You should know, I would never have brought them if it hadn’t been necessary.’

‘Miss Gardiner.’ Sebastian bounced Oliver up on one arm. ‘I abnegated responsibility for Belles when I joined the navy. You’re the manager now and this is your home, which means that you may treat it as you see fit. If my sister trusts you, then so do I. That’s all there is to it.’

‘Thank you.’ The expression in her eyes softened in a way that caused an abrupt lurch followed by a warm glow in his chest.

‘Now let me find somewhere cosy to put this young man and I’ll help to prepare that bath.’

‘You don’t have to do that.’

‘Ever hear the phrase “all hands on deck”?’ He arched an eyebrow. ‘You’re the captain here tonight, Miss Gardiner. Just give me your orders and I’ll endeavour to see them fulfilled.’ He flashed a quick grin. ‘Anna will have my head if I don’t.’

‘I never thought of that.’ Her lips curled and the di