‘Oh.’ She frowned. ‘Well, that’s not your fault. Where’s Oliver?’

‘Asleep in his cot.’ Peter looked as if he were struggling to maintain a stoical expression.

‘Aunt Henrietta?’ Michael’s tone turned wheedling. ‘Did you bring any biscuits?’

‘What kind of aunt would I be if I hadn’t?’ She reached into the folds of her cloak and drew out a small bundle. ‘Cinnamon Belles for you, Comptessas for Peter and one of everything for Oliver.’ She glanced towards the hatch in the ceiling, tempted to go up and deposit a bucket of cold water over her sleeping brother. ‘Have you had a proper meal today?’

‘Mrs Roper gave us some toast and cheese.’ Michael shook his head as he dived into the parcel of biscuits.

‘Right.’ Henrietta straightened up, looking around the frigid and messy room with a burst of determination. She was going to have to break her promise to Nancy, but she’d deal with that later. ‘First, we’re going to stoke up the fire, second I’m going to make us all a nice meal and third... Well, third, I’m going to decide what to do with you.’

Chapter Six

‘Good evening, Miss MacQueen.’ Sebastian removed his hat and bowed as he entered Belles through the back door into the kitchen. ‘I trust that you’ve had a pleasant and profitable day?’

‘We’ve sold out of biscuits, if that’s what you mean.’ The pugnacious redhead glanced up from where she was polishing a brass plate beside the hearth.

‘It wasn’t, but I’m glad to hear it.’ He threw a subtle look towards the hallway.

‘If you’re looking for Henrietta, she’s not here.’

‘And why would I be looking for Miss Gardiner specifically?’ Maybe not so subtle, after all... ‘It’s a delight to see you again, too, Miss MacQueen.’

‘If you say so.’ She gave him an openly sceptical look. ‘Your bag’s over there. I brought it downstairs, but I was starting to think you’d left it for us as a souvenir.’

‘Sorry about that. I spent the day with an old friend and lost track of time.’ He reached down and swung the sack containing his few belongings over his shoulder. ‘However, thank you again for your hospitality. If you need me, I’ll be staying at—’ He stopped, puzzled by the way she was chewing her bottom lip between her teeth as if she were worried. She didn’t strike him as a particularly nervous person, but he had the distinct impression that she was preoccupied with something.

‘Is everything all right, Miss MacQueen?’

She looked up again, holding his gaze for a few seconds before shaking her head. ‘No.’


‘It’s Henrietta. She promised she wouldn’t be gone long, but that was two hours ago.’

‘What do you mean gone?’ The words caused his stomach to drop almost painfully. ‘Do you know where she went?’

‘To visit her brother over the bridge. She helps out with her nephews most evenings, though I keep telling her she shouldn’t be walking around in the dark.’

‘Do they live far away?’

‘Around Avon Street.’ The crease between her brows deepened. ‘It’s not the most salubrious area. I grew up there, so I ought to know.’

‘I see.’ Sebastian put his bag down again, gripped with a new sense of urgency. ‘Then perhaps you and I should take a walk in that direction? Hopefully, we’ll meet Miss Gardiner on her way home. Otherwise, you can direct us to her brother’s house.’

‘I knew it!’ Miss MacQueen was already on her feet and reaching for her hat and bonnet.

‘Knew what?’

‘That you like her!’

‘Of course I like her—as an acquaintance,’ he added hurriedly. ‘At this moment, however, I’m mainly concerned about her.’

‘Because you like her and not just as an acquaintance.’

‘Miss MacQueen, if I’ve given you the wrong impression...’

‘Oh, don’t start with all that.’ She gave the ribbons on her bonnet a vigorous tug. ‘Only a word to the wise. If you do like her, don’t comment on her appearance or give any compliments if you can help it. I know it sounds odd, but she doesn’t like them.’