‘If Sophy said so, then I’m sure it must be true,’ she bit out.

Adam’s mouth quirked. ‘What’s that saying? I’d like to be a “fly on the wall” the next time you talk to Sophy alone.’

Eve relaxed slightly; it was a little difficult to do anything else with this mischievously mocking man. ‘I can assure you you wouldn’t,’ she drawled. ‘It’s going to be a very one-sided conversation—for once!’

His grin widened. ‘I like you when you’re like this … Sorry,’ he grimaced as she instantly stiffened. ‘If you would rather not give her the satisfaction of knowing she has successfully staged this, too, I can always get a cab.’

‘Staged this, too’? Did Adam realise the lengths she believed Sophy to have gone to on his behalf tonight? The open amusement in his ruggedly handsome face said a definite no; this man didn’t need anyone’s help where women were concerned!

‘I wouldn’t give her the satisfaction of thinking I was afraid to drive you home,’ she said determinedly. ‘Which I’m certainly not,’ she added firmly at his questioningly raised brows. ‘Besides which,’ she added mockingly, ‘it will be worth it just to see her face the next time we meet, when I refuse to tell her all the details!’

‘Will there be any “details” not to tell her?’ Adam countered interestedly.

She gave him a warning look. ‘No.’

‘That’s what I thought,’ he sighed with exaggerated disappointment. ‘Maybe we should just add to her curiosity by telling her we intend leaving now? That should have her guessing, when we’ve been alone in her bedroom all this time.’

My goodness, so they had! She hated to think what construction the other woman would put on that.

To add to her embarrassment, Eve heard a delighted chuckle from behind her as she hurried from the bedroom, her cheeks burning fiery red as Sophy and Patrick turned to them both with mocking enquiry.

‘Eve and I thought we might leave now.’ Adam spoke before she had a chance.

She turned to him with a furiously warning glare, forcing a tight smile to her lips as her gaze returned to the other couple. ‘Paul isn’t going to be able to get away at all tonight, after all,’ she excused lightly.

‘That’s no reason for you to have to go just yet,’ Patrick told her softly, his expression sympathetic to the situation his wife had undoubtedly created.

‘We both have an early start in the morning.’ Once again, Adam was the one to do the talking for both of them.

And while Eve was quite happy, loving him as she did, to let Paul make decisions for them both, she certainly wasn’t willing to let Adam Gardener do the same thing.

Adam Gardener—oh lord, the very name still gave her the shudders!

‘I really do have to go now,’ she put in firmly. ‘And as I’m giving Adam a lift to his hotel …’ she added with a warning look at Sophy, the other woman looking back unrepentantly.

‘Yes, we really must be on our way,’ Adam added provocatively.

Sophy stood up slowly. ‘Well, if you really must,’ she remarked, her eyes gleaming her satisfaction with the arrangement.

‘Patrick has himself a tiger by the tail,’ Adam chuckled once the two of them were outside and crossing the road to where Eve’s car was parked.

‘He doesn’t seem to mind,’ Eve dismissed unsympathetically, more than a little put out with both Sophy and Patrick. Maybe if Patrick tried a little harder to curb Sophy’s mischief-making …

At the very least there was going to be a very heated telephone line between Eve’s home and the O’Donnells’ in the near future—the very near future!

Adam grinned. ‘Life sure can’t be dull with a woman like that. Although my life has been far from monotonous since I met you on Saturday night.’ He gave Eve a pointed glance.

Her mouth firmed at his flirtatious manner. Sophy and her ideas! ‘This is just a lift back to your hotel, Mr Gardener,’ she bit out.

‘I never thought it was anything else,’ he returned innocently, too innocently for Eve’s peace of mind.

‘I’m going to be married in a few months’ time,’ she reminded crossly.

‘What’s that saying? The deed isn’t done until the ring is on the lady’s finger?’ He quirked dark blond brows.

Eve’s eyes widened. ‘I think you just made that “saying” up!’

He grinned again. ‘I think I did, too—but it doesn’t make it any less true.’