And despite the press conference disputing Gerald’s claim that the Monarchs’ coach was a drug addict, her business partner’s threat to smear DeMarcus in the media still hung over them. Gerald had proven how easily he could destroy the image DeMarcus had worked so long and hard to build. What other lies would he spread to try to capture the media’s attention? How long would it take before the public started believing him?

Faced with that realization, would DeMarcus still do all he could to lead the Monarchs to the play-offs? Jaclyn would have to wait and see.

DeMarcus knocked on Jaclyn’s hotel room door just down the hall from his own. His pulse was racing and his palms were sweating. He hadn’t even been this nervous during his NBA draft fifteen years ago.

During the team dinner, Jaclyn had kept herself surrounded by players who’d seemed to sense she wanted to be shielded from their head coach. He’d been frustrated, but he’d understood the team’s desire to protect her. Despite Jaclyn’s independent image, the Lady Assassin was the kind of woman who brought out the chivalrous knight in men.

The room door opened. Jaclyn braced one hand on the threshold. The other gripped the doorknob. “I’m not really surprised to see you. Pigheadness is characteristic of a champion.”

DeMarcus leaned against the outer wall, crowding her. He gazed down into her cool cinnamon eyes. “You have the trophies to prove it.”

“It’s not politic to call your boss pigheaded.” She didn’t give him the smile he’d been hoping for. “I don’t know what you think you’ll accomplish by coming to my room. We don’t have anything to discuss, and I’m not interested in anything you have to say.”

Her words rocked DeMarcus back on his feet, but he remained standing. “You’re wrong. We have a team to discuss.”

Jaclyn gave him a dubious look. “Why do I suspect you only want to discuss the team now because I’m angry with you?”

“Because you have a suspicious nature.” He lowered his voice and shifted closer. “If we’re going to disagree, could we do it in your room?”

Her cheeks heated. Her gasp was audible. “No, we can’t. Go away.” Jaclyn stepped back to close the door, but DeMarcus pressed his hand against it.

“Please, Jack. I really do want to talk about the team.”

Jaclyn glared at him. DeMarcus saw hurt was well as anger in her expression. How could he show her how very sorry he was?

Finally, she stepped back, letting him in. “Keep it brief.”

He’d welcome even the little victories. “Thank you, Jack.”

DeMarcus strode past the small dining section and into the living area. He lowered himself to the puffy green and gold sofa and waited for Jaclyn to join him. She came as close as the armchair that bordered the living area.

At one time, they couldn’t get close enough to each other. Now, she couldn’t get far enough away. This is what his fear had cost him. A priceless, irreplaceable treasure. How could he get her back?

Jaclyn gripped the chair’s back. “What do you want, Marc?”

She looked beautiful in a long-sleeved orange dress, like a sunrise bursting over a gold horizon.

When had he become a poet?

DeMarcus collected his thoughts. “I heard the press conference this morning was rough. I’m sorry.”

She shrugged. Somehow the movement created an even greater distance between them. “It wasn’t as bad as it could have been.”

“You mean if I’d been there.”

“I’m certain, if you’d attended the press conference, the questions would have gotten out of hand.”

DeMarcus inclined his head. “Probably. But my absence didn’t stop them from asking about our relationship.”

Jaclyn arched a brow. “It seems that everyone else has sources in the franchise. I’m the only one who doesn’t have a connection to insider information.”

He wasn’t sure what she was talking about. “I’m sorry you had to go through that, but I appreciate your public support.”

Her wave was dismissive. “Of course. If I thought you’d had a drug problem, I wouldn’t ask you to lead my team.”

DeMarcus met her troubled gaze. “If you believe in me, why won’t you give me another chance?”

Her smile didn’t lift the clouds from her eyes. “Because I also believe you can’t separate your lover from your boss.”