Jaclyn almost dropped the phone. “The Monarchs are playing the Wizards tomorrow night.” Was she more surprised or angry that Gerald wasn’t aware of the team’s schedule? “It wouldn’t hurt you to post a copy of the Monarchs’ season schedule on your refrigerator.”

“I heard you held a press conference to dispel the rumors that our Golden Boy is a drug addict.”

“Did your office spy tell you all about it?” Jaclyn reached for the printer beside her computer monitor. She retrieved the first set of documents and stapled the pages together.

“I’m an equal partner in the franchise. You should have told me you were calling a press conference. I had a right to be there.”

Jaclyn almost choked. He was the reason she had to call a press conference, and he wanted to know why he hadn’t been invited? “First of all, Gerry, Marc Guinn isn’t a boy. He’s a man. Second, whoever started this rumor is a petty, vindictive little worm. Do you have any idea who it might be?”

“Haven’t you heard, Jackie? Where there’s smoke, there’s always fire. Maybe Marc is addicted to drugs.” Gerald sounded as though he relished the accusation.

“You and I both know Marc has never done drugs. We did a thorough background check and testing before we hired him.” Jaclyn took another document from the printer and stapled it.

“And you don’t sleep with drug addicts.” Gerald’s tone was dry.

Jaclyn froze at the familiar words. “Your spy gave you the play-by-play from the press conference.”

“I should have been there.”

“What would your presence have accomplished?”

“As an equal partner, I would have welcomed the opportunity to show my support for the Monarchs’ head coach.”

What a liar. “The only interest you have in the team is to ruin it. We both know that, so cut the crap, Gerry.”

“That hurts, Jackie.” He didn’t sound as wounded as he wanted her to believe. “By any chance is your lack of faith in my intentions the reason you told Andrea Benson to call me?”

Jaclyn smiled. “Has Andrea contacted you already? That was quick.”

“She seems to think I started the rumors of Marc’s drug addiction. Do you have any idea why she would believe that?” An edge entered Gerald’s tone. He wasn’t happy or smug anymore. Good. It was past time he felt even a little of the anger he’d caused her.

“Because it’s true. Marc told us you’d threatened to smear his character in the press if he didn’t throw the season for you. Did you think he wouldn’t tell us?” Jaclyn closed her eyes and took a deep breath. He almost hadn’t.

“Maybe we should drug test Marc again. He sounds delusional. And, while we’re at it, we should screen you, too.” Gerald’s pleasantries seemed to be over. He sounded ready to chew nails.

“Why would that be, Gerry?” Her documents printed, Jaclyn settled into her chair.

“Why did you tell Andrea about my intent to move the team to Nevada?”

Jaclyn pursed her lips to squelch a smile. She wanted to wine and dine the reporter for moving so quickly on the story. “Was that supposed to be a secret?”

“As a former contracts lawyer, I’d think you’d be aware that such delicate negotiations shouldn’t be leaked to the media.”

“I have a better question for you, Gerry.” Jaclyn’s temper had started to stir. “Why are you negotiating a deal when you know your partner is opposed to it?”

Gerald continued as though she hadn’t spoken. “None of those plans are finalized. I’m still in the exploratory phase. It was very precipitous of you to leak the information to the media. You could have damaged my negotiations.”

“Good.” His accusation brought a sharp surge of satisfaction. “The Monarchs aren’t leaving Brooklyn, Gerry. Get over it.”

“And you had no right to give a reporter Carville Abbottson’s contact information.”

Jaclyn arched a brow at Gerald’s raised tone. Her business partner was fraying around the edges. Good. She hoped the stress was getting to him. “I didn’t trust you not to lie about your attempts to move the team to Nevada. Carville Abbottson corroborated your plans. You should be happy. Now all of your machinations are out in the open.”

The silence on the other end of the line was long and tense before Gerald spoke again. “I don’t know what you thought you’d accomplish by discussing my plans with the media, but you haven’t won.”

“But then again, Gerry, neither have you.” Jaclyn recradled her phone, disconnecting the call.

Gerald was right. She hadn’t won. The Monarchs had their first winning record in three seasons, but they faced a long and challenging road to the play-offs.