This time, Jaclyn’s smile was tinged with sorrow. “This isn’t my home. It’s my grandfather’s house. It takes a family to make a home, and I don’t remember mine.”

DeMarcus returned to the bed and sat beside her. “I’m sorry.”

“I try not to be. My grandparents loved me and I loved them. But there were times when I would have sold my soul to know the people whose pictures are in our family photo album—my mother, father and brother.”

DeMarcus took her hands. He was grateful when Jaclyn entwined their fingers. “You were three when your parents and older brother died in that car accident.”

Jaclyn nodded. “It took my grandparents years to come to terms with their loss.

“And then your grandmother got ill.”

“She died of cancer when I was eleven. She’d suffered a long time.”

“I’m sorry.”

Jaclyn squeezed his hands. “So am I. My happiest memories are of the Empire. Watching the Monarchs play—win or lose—and hanging around the practice court. I think that’s why I’ve always thought of the Monarchs as my family, and the Empire as my home. I’ll do whatever I can to save the team and keep them in Brooklyn.”

“I’ll do everything I can to help you.”

The stakes just got a lot higher. He wasn’t coaching just to safeguard his legacy anymore or to protect a franchise. He was coaching to save her family, the only family she’d ever known.

Losing had never been an option, and winning had never mattered more.

DeMarcus stopped in front of Jaclyn’s executive assistant’s desk and waited until she’d finished whatever she was typing. “Althea Gentry, I’d like you to meet my father, Julian Guinn.”

Althea’s smile was uncharacteristically bashful. “This is your father? The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, does it?” She turned to extend a hand toward Julian. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Guinn.”

Julian took Althea’s hand. “Please call me Julian. It?

??s a pleasure to meet you, too.”

Althea’s smile broadened into a grin. A blush dusted her rounded brown cheeks.

DeMarcus looked from Althea to his father and back. “Is Jack in her office?”

“No, she’s right behind you,” Jaclyn answered.

DeMarcus turned as Jaclyn laid a folder on Althea’s desk. She was wearing her red power suit adorned with the ever-present Monarchs lapel pin. “Pop and I came to see if we could take you to lunch.”

Jaclyn stepped forward to embrace Julian. Her red stiletto boots brought her almost equal in height to his father. She stepped back, keeping one hand on Julian’s shoulder as she addressed DeMarcus. “I’d love to, but the meeting I’d mentioned to you yesterday was moved up. I don’t think I’d be very good company today. But thanks for the invitation.”

Disappointment merged with DeMarcus’s concern. “Why did they move up the meeting?”

Jaclyn let her hand drop from Julian’s shoulder. “Apparently, Mr. Abbottson has a connecting flight to Miami for the All-Star weekend. He doesn’t want to miss it.”

Julian shifted to face Jaclyn. “The Monarchs will get some players chosen to the All-Stars next season.”

A shadow crossed Jaclyn’s face. “This is the second year in a row we were overlooked.”

DeMarcus wanted to wrap his arms around her and give her comfort. But he didn’t think such a display of affection was appropriate for the office. “Pop and I will give you a rain check on lunch.”

She gave him her special smile, the one that softened her features and warmed her eyes. “I’d like that. Thanks.” She surprised him by kissing both his and Julian’s cheeks before returning to her office.

DeMarcus and Julian walked the few blocks to a small, popular café. It was only eleven-thirty, and already the neighborhood establishment was packed. But the pair didn’t have to wait long before being seated at a booth near a window.

Julian opened his menu. “I didn’t mean to upset Jackie when I mentioned the All-Star weekend.”

DeMarcus glanced up before returning his attention to the list of lunch items. “Don’t worry, Pop. Jack will be fine.”