Gerald offered a cold smile. “I don’t want your cooperation. I want your resignation.”

Jaclyn’s eyes flared wide. “What?” Her attention shifted again to Albert. He remained still. Why was he here if he wasn’t going to say anything?

From his briefcase of tricks, Gerald produced a stack of white sheets, stapled together in a corner. “Marc is in violation of his contract’s morality clause.”

Jaclyn would have to rein in her temper if she were going to get through this. “How?”

Gerald stood, carrying a copy of DeMarcus’s contract with him. He found the page he was looking for and set the document on the table in front of her before returning to his seat. “Under paragraph eleven, section D, the contract states, in essence, that franchise employees will not engage in romantic liaisons while both parties are employed by the franchise.”

Jaclyn skimmed the familiar passage, blocking out the escalating tension she sensed in DeMarcus. “My grandfather wanted that language added to the employee contracts. He wanted to raise awareness of sexual harassment and make sure everyone knew such conduct wouldn’t be tolerated in his organization.”

Gerald nodded. “So, since your grandfather realized the importance of the clause, I’m sure you’ll do the right thing and enforce the language.”

Jaclyn met her partner’s eyes. “I’m happy to, especially since I drafted the language.”

Gerald’s lips parted in shock. He rallied quickly. ”In that case, fire him. Or don’t you believe what you wrote?”

Jaclyn smiled. “I do believe what I wrote, Gerry. But it doesn’t apply to Marc.” She felt DeMarcus’s surprise. Her smile broadened.

Gerald frowned. “Yes, it does. Your sweet good night photo appears on the pages of several newspapers.”

Jaclyn tapped the stack of papers in front of her. “The language prohibits employees from fraternizing. DeMarcus is an employee. I’m not.”

“She’s right, Gerry.” Albert finally spoke, looking over his shoulder to address Gerald. “They may not have shown the best judgment in the when and the where of their . . . activities. But neither one of them violated the contract.” He turned his attention to Jaclyn and DeMarcus. “Just, both of you, please exercise better judgment in the future. The franchise doesn’t need this type of publicity.”

Jaclyn faced Albert. “You’re right, Bert. I apologize.”

DeMarcus inclined his head. “So do I.”

Albert nodded. “Good. Now that we’ve cleared that up, Marc, please don’t let us hold you any longer. Thank you for coming.”

“But—” Gerald raised his hand to stop the activities.

Albert grabbed Gerald’s arm and returned it to the conference table. “We’re done, Gerry.”

Jaclyn stood with DeMarcus to leave, but Albert stopped her. “Jackie, just a few more moments of your time, please.”

Jaclyn hesitated. She felt DeMarcus’s touch on her forearm. She smiled and shook her head at the concerned look in his dark eyes. Jaclyn returned to her seat. “Sure, Bert. What is it?”

Albert waited for DeMarcus to leave before he began. “I’ve had enough.”

“Enough of what?” Gerald shifted to face Albert. His voice was pitch-perfect irritation.

Albert glared at Gerald. “Enough of the fighting between you and Jackie. Marc was right, Gerry. It was distasteful of you to exploit Jackie’s personal life to get your way.”

Gerald stabbed a finger toward the newspaper laying ignored in the center of the table. “Are you happy to have the franchise in the paper’s gossip section?”

Albert flung his arms in the air. “Give me a break, Gerry. Where were you when the New York Sports printed the article airing the players’ complaints about the team?”

Gerald shifted a look at Jaclyn. His temper seemed to evaporate. “I was busy.”

Jaclyn’s heart beat faster. Her gaze dropped to the newspaper before narrowing on Gerald. “Busy doing what? Planting more negative stories about us in the press?”

Albert followed her gaze from the paper to Gerald. “That’s too far-fetched, Jackie. How would Gerry know you’d spend the night with Marc?”

Gerald rolled up the sleeves of his apple red sweater, avoiding eye contact with the others in the room. “Exactly. Am I clairvoyant?”

Perhaps not. But office gossip about her and DeMarcus could have made it to Gerald.