What did that mean?

The players and coaches hadn’t looked at her any differently, so they must have put the article behind them. So would she.

“Good.” She stopped feeling awkward about sitting beside him on the shuttle. After all, she’d sat beside him when they’d first arrived at the hotel.

The vehicle pulled away from the curb. Jaclyn paused to enjoy the view of the Atlanta Hawks’ home, the Philips Arena, at night. “We’ve won other games, but this one will always be special to me.”

“Me too. My first win as a head coach.” DeMarcus spoke softly.

Jaclyn touched the back of his hand as it lay on his lap. DeMarcus turned to look at her.

She gave him a smile. “Your father must be very proud.”

“Yes, he is. I called him before I left the hotel.”

“Then what’s wrong? You won an important game tonight. You should be excited. Instead you seem almost moody.”

DeMarcus turned his attention to the scene outside. “I don’t want anything to ever ruin this memory.”

Jaclyn gave a startled laugh. “What could possibly ruin it? It’s perfect.”

“Sooner or later, all good things come to an end.”

Jaclyn frowned. Why would they have to end? Until this moment, she hadn’t realized how much she’d come to depend on his staying with the team for the entire season. Was he still thinking of leaving? Why? He couldn’t have lost faith in the team. They’d just won.

Jaclyn stilled. A cold hand fisted in her gut. Had he lost faith in her?

“Thank you for giving up your Saturday on such short notice.” Gerald addressed Jaclyn, DeMarcus and Albert the day after the Hawks’ game. He pontificated from the head of the mahogany table in the Monarchs’ largest conference room. Albert was silent on his right. Jaclyn observed Gerald from her seat at the foot of the table. DeMarcus was to her left.

Jaclyn leaned back in the well-cushioned, black swivel chair. She adjusted the skirt of her burnt-orange wool dress. “This is the NBA, Gerry. We don’t work Monday through Friday, nine to five, especially during the season. Just because we played Atlanta last night doesn’t mean we have today off.”

Perhaps her comment was unnecessary. She’d concede it was mean. But she’d had enough of Gerald’s pompous attitude. Why hadn’t she noticed it before? Maybe she hadn’t been around him as much.

Gerald’s lips tightened. A red flush a few shades lighter than his crewneck

sweater dusted his high mocha cheekbones. “Your comment brings us nicely to our reason for being here.”

Jaclyn glanced at the other men in the room. DeMarcus’s shoulders under his silver Monarchs jersey seemed taut. Albert looked uncomfortable in his conservative brown sweater. Was she the only one who had no idea what Gerald was talking about?

Jaclyn touched her silver and black Monarchs lapel pin. She made herself appear relaxed. She’d had plenty of experience doing that when she’d practiced corporate law with Jonas & Prather. “Why are we here, Gerry?”

“This is why we’re here.” Gerald slid a newspaper down the table. The journal stopped about midway across the high-gloss surface.

Jaclyn didn’t need to pick it up. She knew what it was. It was Friday’s sports section from the New York Post. Yesterday’s section opened with the photo of her kissing DeMarcus.

In her peripheral vision, Jaclyn saw DeMarcus straighten in his chair. She felt the anger building within him. Jaclyn spoke, hoping to distract DeMarcus from saying something they’d both regret. “I’m still unclear, Gerry. Why are we here?” She kept her tone cool, her voice steady despite her own rising temper.

Gerald pointed toward the newspaper no one else had touched. “What were you doing outside Marc’s hotel room?”

Jaclyn’s gaze shifted to Albert. The third franchise owner looked like he wanted to be anywhere else. Anywhere. She turned back to Gerald. “I was leaving.”

Gerald’s mouth curved upward. “And what were you doing in his hotel room?”

Jaclyn struggled to keep her breathing even. “I’m not here to satisfy your prurient interests, Gerry. I don’t owe you an explanation.”

DeMarcus waved toward the newspaper. “This is your way of trying to get me to throw away the season. I’m not going to allow you to insult Jack to try to get to me.”

Jaclyn stared at DeMarcus. He was angry and determined, a warrior ready for battle. He tugged at her heart. Was she falling a little in love with him?