aying nice with his new boss. She was threatening his goal and maligning his character.

Jaclyn frowned at him. “Then what is it about?”

DeMarcus doubted she was interested in his motives for wanting to be the head coach of the Brooklyn Monarchs. “I’m not a quitter.”

“You’re not a coach.”

DeMarcus studied the elegant features of her golden brown face—her high cheekbones, pointed chin and long-lidded eyes—searching for a clue to her thoughts. What was her game? “Do you have someone else in mind for my job?”

Her full, moist lips tightened. “We interviewed several candidates I consider much more qualified to lead this team.”

“Gerry and Bert hired me. Your partners don’t respect your opinion.”

Jaclyn made an irritated sound. “I’ve realized my business partners don’t have the team’s best interests at heart.”

“Careful, or you’ll hurt my feelings.”

Jaclyn’s eyes narrowed. “Are you helping them destroy the team?”

“What are you talking about” Was Jaclyn Jones unbalanced?

“Why would you stay where you’re not wanted?”

He gave her a wry smile. “But I am wanted. I have the letter offering me this job to prove it.”

“I didn’t sign that letter.”

DeMarcus turned to reclaim his seat behind his desk. “Two out of three isn’t bad.”

Jaclyn followed him, stopping on the other side of his desk. “You should be more careful of the company you keep. Gerry and Bert don’t care about the team. They don’t care about you, either.”

“I don’t need your help picking my friends.” DeMarcus pulled his seat under his desk before giving Jaclyn a cool stare. “Now, you’ll have to excuse me. I have work to do.”

Jaclyn straightened. “I want your resignation. Now.”

DeMarcus dropped his mask and let her see all the anger he’d been hiding. “No.”

“Then you’re not getting my support.”

“Lady, you don’t scare me.” He leaned back in his seat. “You’re convinced I don’t have what it takes to coach your team, but you haven’t given me one damn reason why you’ve made that call.”

“I’ve given you several.”

DeMarcus held up one finger. “You want someone who’ll get in touch with your players’ emotions. Look, if they don’t want to win, they don’t belong on your team.”

“You don’t have the authority to fire players.” There was apprehension in her eyes.

He raised a second finger. “You think your partners aren’t looking out for the team. That’s only because you didn’t get your way.”

“That’s not true.”

He lifted a third finger. “You don’t think I can coach.” DeMarcus stood. “How do you know that? Have you seen me coach?”

“Have you seen you coach?” Jaclyn clamped her hands onto her hips.

DeMarcus jerked his chin, indicating his office. “This is what I want, an opportunity to lead the Brooklyn Monarchs to a winning season. And, in a few years, bring home the championship. We have to be realistic. That won’t happen this season. But it will happen. That’s my goal. And I’ll be damned if I’m going to let anyone deny me.”

Jaclyn’s gaze wavered. But then she raised her chin and squared her shoulders. “That’s a very moving speech, Guinn. Can you back it up?”