“Even if I were, you can’t prove it.”

Jaclyn opened the folder and lifted the first document, a two-page e-mail printout stapled together. “And I quote, ‘The cow really has it bad for him. It’s embarrassing the way she chases him around the office. I almost feel sorry for her. She may be rich, but Marc Guinn wants a lady, and she’s too mannish. ’”

Jaclyn returned the printout to the folder and raised her gaze to Vanessa. “I take it I’m the ‘cow.’”

The administrative assistant didn’t appear to be breathing. She’d gone as pale as a ghost. Her jaw had dropped open and she was shaking in her seat.

Jaclyn gestured toward the folder. “These are printouts of the e-mails you sent to Gerry letting him know when I was meeting with the arena owners’ lawyers, the arena owners and my financial advisor. Would you like copies?”

“No.” Vanessa’s teeth were chattering.

“Needless to say, I’ve retracted your access to my calendar.”

“Are you going to fire me?” Her voice was unsteady.

Jaclyn tilted her head. “Did you do something wrong?”

“Gerry’s the team’s owner.”

“Part owner.”

“He had a right to know what you were doing with his team.”

Jaclyn’s patience was shredding to its end point. “Our team. If Gerry wants to know what I’m doing, he should ask me instead of having you spy for him. When I want to know what he’s doing, I ask him. I would never have Althea spy on him. It’s not ethical.”

Vanessa wrung her hands. “I’ve been trying to help Gerry save the team. If you move the Monarchs out of Brooklyn, I’ll be out of a job. I’ve had this job since I graduated from high school. It’s helping pay my way through college. What would I do if the team moved? I can’t afford to start over in Nevada.”

Jaclyn’s eyes widened. There was a buzzing in her ears. “Gerry told you I wanted to move the team to Nevada?” At Vanessa’s nod, Jaclyn’s temper snapped. Who hadn’t her business partner lied to? “Gerry’s the one who wants to move the team. He’s working on a deal with Abbottson Investors to build the Monarchs an arena in Nevada.”

Vanessa’s dark eyes were clouded with confusion. “But he told me it was you.”

Jaclyn was baffled as well. “Didn’t you see the New York Sports article quoting Carville Abbottson that Gerry was the one who approached him about building an arena for the team?”

Vanessa’s gaze drifted away from Jaclyn. “But I believed him.”

“Gerry lied. I’m fighting to keep the team right here in the Empire Arena.” Jaclyn jabbed her right forefinger against her desktop. “How many other people did Gerry lie to?”

“He told me not to tell anyone.” Vanessa dropped her head into her hands. “How could I have been so stupid?”

Jaclyn’s tension evaporated at the devastated expression on the younger woman’s face. “Don’t feel too bad, Nessa. Gerry’s lied to a lot of people, including me and my grandfather. We’ve all believed him.”

Tears swam in Vanessa’s eyes. “Are you going to fire me?”

“No, I’m not going to fire you. It will take a while before I can trust you again, though.”

Vanessa wiped the tears from her cheeks. “I understand.”

“And you won’t have access to my calendar again for a very long time.”

Vanessa swallowed. “I shouldn’t have believed him.”

“He’s your boss. You wouldn’t have expected him to lie to you.”

“I’m really sorry. What can I do to make it up to you?”

Jaclyn gave the administrative assistant a warm smile. “The next time your boss asks you to spy for him, tell him that’s not in your job description. It’s not even part of your ‘ten percent other duties as needed.’”

Vanessa seemed too upset to smile. “How am I going to continue working for him?”