Jaclyn placed her plastic soup bowl on her desk and spun her chair to face her executive assistant. “What are they gossiping about?”

Althea smoothed her midcalf, smoke gray skirt. “You and Marc Guinn.”

Jaclyn groaned and covered her face with her hands. “I can’t believe I’d forgotten about that stupid picture.” Especially since that stupid picture had already caused problems for her and DeMarcus.

“You’ve had a lot on your mind.”

Jaclyn dropped her fists onto her desk. “I just wish I knew how that scum-sucking photographer knew to wait outside of Marc’s hotel room.”

Althea clasped her hands together. “I think you were right. There’s a leak in the franchise.”

Jaclyn leaned back in her chair, disgusted. “First our players were complaining about management to the newspapers. Now our front office is calling the media to give us negative coverage. Why would anyone on our staff do that?”

Althea shook her head. “I don’t think the leak is contacting the media directly. I think the person she’s talking to called the media.”

Jaclyn arched an eyebrow. “Do you know who the leak is?”

Althea shrugged. “My money’s on Vanessa. Her tongue’s been wagging the hardest about you and Marc.”

Jaclyn closed her eyes. She didn’t want to believe it. “Nessa’s been with us for four years. Why would she want to hurt our image in the community?”

“She was Gerry’s executive assistant. I think she feels a stronger commitment to Gerry than to the franchise. And she’s still upset about what she sees as a demotion.”

Jaclyn’s mind was spinning. “But how would she know that I would be in Marc’s room that night?”

Althea gave her a sarcastic look. “You and Marc are single and attractive, and you can scoop the sexual tension between you with a spoon.”

Jaclyn fought against a blush. She wasn’t successful. “Why would Nessa betray the organization?”

“Maybe she doesn’t consider it being disloyal to the team. Maybe she considers it being loyal to Gerry.”

Jaclyn pondered Althea’s words. They made sense. Still, she wanted to hear the explanation from Vanessa. “I hate to think of anyone in our franchise family making us vulnerable to negative media coverage.”

“I’ll keep an eye on her.”

Jaclyn’s mind remained on Vanessa and Gerald. “Let me know what you find out. We can’t have someone we can’t trust on our staff.”

Jaclyn shoved aside the remains of her chicken noodle soup, spilling broth on a manila file folder.

She’d been right. Gerald had a spy. Why was he so determined to destroy their franchise? And what other schemes was he planning against them?


“Working late again, player?”

DeMarcus watched Jacl

yn close his office door and walk toward him. She wore her power suit again. With whom had she met today? Her franchise partners or the Empire owners’ lawyers?

The deep red jacket cinched her small waist. The matching skirt traced her slim hips and slender thighs. Her red stilettos made her legs seem even longer. He remembered the way those long, athletic limbs had felt wrapped around him.

DeMarcus stood, not caring whether Jaclyn noticed the effect she had on him. “You too.”

“As Anthony Chambers would quote, ‘There’s no rest for the wicked, but the righteous don’t need any.’” Jaclyn circled his desk, then cleared a spot on it to sit. She raised herself onto its corner and crossed her legs. “How was your day?”

DeMarcus sat again. He took a deep breath of her soft, lilac scent. “Uneventful.”

Jaclyn leaned forward. Her fragrance wrapped around him. Her cinnamon eyes hypnotized him. She brushed the fingertips of her right hand over his forehead, and the last of his tension drained away. “Are you sure? Because Oscar told me he had to restrain you this morning to keep you from knocking Jamal’s teeth out of his head.”