The shooting guard’s wife sipped her diet ginger ale as she studied the court. “Where are the other wives?”

“Over there.” Jaclyn pointed toward the seats behind the Monarchs’ bench where the players’ and coaches’ wives and girlfriends sat. “They tend to talk during the game. I was afraid, if that happened tonight, I’d take someone’s head off. But you don’t talk much during the game.” And no one spoke to Marylin, which was something else Jaclyn had noticed.

Marylin’s lips curved in the slightest smile. “I don’t make it to many of them. It’s amazing how many women go into labor during basketball games.”

Jaclyn laughed. “Rick mentioned you and a friend were opening an obstetrics/gynecological practice. Good luck.”

Even the slight smile disappeared. “Rick tells you a lot of things.”

Marylin may prove more of a distraction than Jaclyn had anticipated. “Was it a secret?” She faced the other woman. “Listen, Mary, Rick has been a good friend to me over the years. I want us to be friends, too.”

Marylin’s smile didn’t reach her chocolate eyes. “Of course.”

Jaclyn turned away, disappointed. Where had the other woman’s animosity come from? She hoped Julian arrived soon. She needed a friendly face during the game. Jaclyn had a feeling that wouldn’t be Marylin’s.

Gerald was waiting for him at the entrance to Vom Two when DeMarcus emerged from the visitors’ locker room. “This is your last chance, Marc. Are you sure you’re going for the win?”

DeMarcus planted his feet. “Positive.”

Gerald shook his head. “That’s not the smartest decision you’ve ever made.”

“You’ve lost, Gerry. Jack owns the arena. The Monarchs aren’t going anywhere. The community hates you. Sell your shares to Jack. She’ll give you fair market price.”

“That’s what she wants.” Gerald’s dark eyes glowed with animosity. “For decades the Jones family has gotten what they wanted. Now I’m going to destroy what they care about the most. And if you won’t help me, I’ll destroy you, too.”

DeMarcus stepped around the other man. “Get over yourself, Gerry. You sound like a bad nineteen fifties movie villain.”

DeMarcus walked onto the court to watch the Monarchs warm up and do a final pregame check of the Knicks. Their opponents looked confident and relaxed. The Monarchs looked tentative and tight. That was their season in a nutshell.

He raised his gaze to the visiting owner’s box. Jaclyn and his father stood with their faces almost pressed to the glass. The other woman in the box looked like Marylin Evans, Warrick’s wife. Although he couldn’t see Jaclyn’s expression clearly, DeMarcus could sense her tension. Or was it his? The next four quarters would determine whether the franchise would end the season with a financial boost or start yet another year with a shoestring budget.

DeMarcus waited until Anthony Chambers took possession of the ball after the New York Knicks had added another three-point shot to their now thirteen-point lead. One minute and nine seconds remained in the third quarter.

Win or go home.

“Time-out.” He would not lose this game. He could not.

DeMarcus pinned Barron with a look. “Pass the ball to Jamal.”

The point guard hooked his hands on his hips. “For what? He doesn’t know the plays.”

“He’s been wide open. He can take the shots.” DeMarcus struggled with his temper. The television cameras could pick up their exchange. He didn’t want his confrontation with the Monarchs’ team captain to lead TNT’s Inside the NBA.

“I can take the shots.”

“You’re forcing them.”

Anthony put his hand on Barron’s shoulder. “Bling, man, we’re down by thirteen. Trust the rookie.”

Barron shrugged off Anthony’s hand. “He’s a ball hog.”

Vincent swallowed a gulp of water and recapped his bottle. “You afraid he’ll shine brighter than you out there?”

Barron glared at the center. “Watch your mouth, Vinny.”

DeMarcus clenched his teeth. “Are you going to pass to Jamal?”

Barron raised his chin. “No.”