Barron scowled. “Why do I have to pull people together?”

DeMarcus arched a brow. “You’re the team captain.”

The point guard pushed away from the table and turned to leave the room. “That’s some crap, man.”

DeMarcus smiled. “It’s been a pleasure chatting with you, too, Barron.”

“Yeah. Whatever.”

DeMarcus scrubbed both hands over his face. One down, twelve to go. Would he be so lucky as to find the worst meeting was over and the other twelve would be easier? He thought of Jamal, Serge and Warrick. Probably not.


Gerald’s reaction was her new favorite memory. When he saw Jaclyn sitting between Albert Tipton and Violet Ebanks O’Neal at Bonner & Taylor’s large conference table Thursday afternoon, he looked confused, angry and scared. Mortimer Gandy and his younger brother, Sanford, sat opposite them.

On the surface, Gerald appeared confident and successful in his dark brown suit, tan shirt and bold pink tie. But there was uncertainty in his gaze as it moved from Violet to Jaclyn and then to Albert.

He looked to the firm’s senior partner, Gregory Bonner, seated at the head of the table. “What’s going on? I thought I was coming to review the Empire Arena contract with its new owners.”

Sanford raised his right arm and waved his hand in greeting. “Hi, Gere. C’mon in and sit down. We’re all friends here, aren’t we?” The twinkle in the elderly man’s gray eyes meant he knew they were not.

Gerald took the chair at the foot of the large conference table. “It’s good to see you again, Sandy.”

Mortimer hissed at his younger brother. “Control yourself, Sanford. This isn’t a barbecue.”

Sanford rolled his eyes. “I know that, Morty. I’m just trying to make everyone comfortable.”

Jaclyn swallowed a chuckle over the brothers’ antics. But she remained attentive to Gerald and his every move.

Gerald looked to the senior law partner and repeated his question. “What’s going on, Greg?”

Gregory gestured toward Jaclyn and her friends. “I’d like to introduce the new arena owners. I believe you’ve met all of them before—Albert Tipton, Violet Ebanks O’Neal and, of course, Jaclyn Jones.”

Gerald’s jaw dropped. “Are you serious?”

Jaclyn smiled. She was shaking, but this time with excitement. “Yes, we are. Vi, Bert and I are partners.”

Albert folded his hands on the table and leaned forward. “Jackie is the majority share owner with forty percent. Vi and I each have thirty percent.”

Gerald shifted his attention between the two Gandy brothers. “You sold the arena to them? I thought you wanted to make as much money as possible on the sale.”

Gerald’s manner switched between disbelief and anger. Jaclyn watched him with intense satisfaction. Disbelief and anger were the emotions she’d felt when she’d realized Gerald had convinced Albert to help him destroy her team. She’d also had those reactions when she’d learned Gerald had entered into negotiations with Abbottson Investments to build an arena in Nevada for the Monarchs. She could well imagine he’d feel disbelief and anger. Even betrayal and desperation. She’d felt all of those and more because of him.

Mortimer pursed his lips. “Without seeming indelicate, they did offer a significant amount of liquid capital for the Empire.”

Sanford shrugged. “Besides, how much money do we really need? We’re pretty darn old. It’s not like we’re going to live that much longer.”

Mortimer nodded. “In the end, we just wanted to get out of the arena business. Too many hassles, too much stress.”

Gerald inclined his head in Jaclyn’s direction. “It’s fine for her to keep the Monarchs in the arena. But what about your legacy? The Monarchs are falling apart. Do you really want them to take your arena down with them?”

Mortimer’s gaze met Jaclyn’s. “Jackie reminded us of the special history the Brooklyn Monarchs share with the Empire Arena. It’s fitting that the team continues to play there. And, when you think about it, it’s fitting that the children of the franchise founders also take over the arena. Very fitting.”

Sanford smiled at Gerald. “I wouldn’t worry about Jackie letting the team fall into the crapper, Gere. Jackie accomplishes whatever she sets her mind to. Like today. She was determined to keep the team in the Empire, and she figured out a way to make that happen. We appreciate your concern, but you don’t need to worry about our legacy. It’s in good hands.”

Gerald’s gaze narrowed on Sanford with suspicion. “I’m just afraid that you may have made a mistake.”

“We don’t think so. Besides, it’s a done deal.” Sanford tapped the stack of papers in front of him. “Signed, sealed and delivered.” He winked at Gerald. “I’ve always loved that song.”