Page 19 of Secret Weapon

A knock sounded on the door.

“Hey, guys. If you’ve decided to abandon us, at least let us know so we can put on a movie or something,” Derek said through the door.

Janine wandered back into the room, then headed toward the door. “We’re coming out now, guys.”

She glanced at Sloan. “You ready?” She glanced down at his cock, which was already halfway to full erection again. She grinned. “We’d better get out there before we have to start all over.”

At the thought of a repeat performance, his fingers twitched with his desire to pull her into his arms again, but he sucked in a deep breath, then nodded.

“Let’s go.”

Sloan opened the door and strode from the room. The others followed him back into the dining room.

“Whose deal?” Sloan asked.

“Mine.” Jonas grabbed the deck of cards.

Everyone slid their hands from the previous round toward Jonas and he swept them up and began shuffling.

“Now that we’re naked”—Jonas glanced at Janine, his gaze dropping to her breasts—“at least most of us, how do we handle betting? I mean, if our highest bet is a green chip, we don’t have any clothes to take off.”

“Right.” Derek stood up and grabbed four black chips from the case and brought them back to the table, then tossed one to Jonas and to Sloan and collected their green chips. “Instead of a green chip, you’ll have to go straight to a blue one, then black. The extra black is in case the betting goes all the way up to four chips.”

“So we might owe two Ultimate Dares?” Sloan took a sip of his beer.

“That’s right.” Derek pushed aside his own green chip.

“So when Janine bets a green chip, each of us bets a blue one.” Jonas said as he dealt.

Derek nodded.

Jonas picked up his blue chip and rolled it between his fingers. “But even though we would owe a Dare, Janine would still have to strip. If she lost the hand.”

“As long as her highest bet was a green chip,” Derek answered.

Sloan’s gaze shot to Janine’s skimpy black lace panties, as did the other guys’. He picked up his cards. Two aces. He discarded three cards, then picked up the new ones to discover another ace and a four.

“Stay.” As great as his hand was, he didn’t want to raise to the next level because he hoped Janine would, then they would all call, forcing her to lose those sexy little panties of hers.

“Stay,” said Derek.

“I’ll stay, too.” Janine grinned, clearly deciding to torture them.

Jonas narrowed his eyes as he gazed at her. “I’ll call.”

They all laid out their cards. Sloan’s three aces won.

He stroked his chin as he stared at Janine. “Truth, hmm?”

There were many things he’d love to know about Janine that he was fairly certain she would avoid telling him, especially about her unusual sex life, but in the context of this game she probably would.

“How many men have you made love with at one time?” he asked.

She stared at her cards lying on the table. Was she going to avoid answering? Then she glanced up at him and smiled. “Three.”

Even through jealousy surged through Sloan at the thought of three men manhandling Janine, his cock throbbed with need.

Jonas raised an eyebrow. “Really? Three at once?” His cock twitched.