Page 79 of Secret Weapon

“Okay. Then let me ask this: How long has Sloan been in love with you? Because he must be, or he wouldn’t have stormed off because he thinks I’m in love with you.” Liam watched her expression turn guilty. “Or was it that he decided you’re in love with me?”

That would have been Sloan’s real worry.

“Sloan has been in love with me for a long time. He just … decided not to act on it until recently. When he left L.A…” She shrugged. “I don’t think it’s a coincidence he chose to come here. He wanted to start up a relationship with me. I didn’t want to close him out—he and I have a lot of history—but maybe I shouldn’t have allowed our relationship to become intimate. I just didn’t want to turn him away and … I thought it was the only way to convince him that … you know … he and I would never work out.”

* * *

Liam just stared at her, unable to believe his ears. He’d thought she and Sloan had known each other only for a matter of weeks—months at the outside—but now he realized she and Sloan had known each other for a long time. In fact, from the sound of things …

“Wait a minute. How long have you and Sloan known each other?”

She glanced at Liam.

“We grew up together, back in L.A.”

“Did you … have a brother? Who was a cop?” he asked.

She stared at him. Her eyes shimmered slightly.

“Yeah. Ben. He … died several years ago.”

He took her hand. “I’m sorry.” He didn’t like that his question had nudged her old pain, but right now he had to know. “Your brother and Sloan, they were best friends, right?”

She nodded. “How did you know?”

“I knew there was someone he’d been hung up on for years—someone from his past. I just didn’t realize it was you.”

She lowered her gaze. “He sure picked the wrong woman, didn’t he? If it hadn’t been for me, maybe he would have found someone better—someone normal—and he’d be a whole lot happier than he is now.”

“You’d don’t know that. And you do make him happy. That’s why he’s so hung up on you. The man is in love with you, Janine. Maybe you should let yourself love him, too.”

Liam’s phone blipped and he pulled it out of his pocket and stared at the display.

We need to talk. I’m at the Blue Mountain restaurant around the corner.

— Sloan

What the hell? Liam had Sloan’s cell phone, since he’d left it behind, so Sloan must be using his Netbook. He loved that thing. But how did Sloan know Liam was here?

And what did Sloan want to talk to him about? Clearly, it was the situation with Janine, but what? Would he ask Liam to step aside and end all future involvement with Janine?

He glanced at her.

“Look, I have to go. Something’s come up.” He had no intention of telling her he was going to talk to Sloan. She wouldn’t be happy they were going to talk about the situation without her, but Sloan and Liam couldn’t really express themselves honestly if she were there.

“Okay. I guess I’ll see you later,” she said.

He pulled her into his arms and kissed her soundly. “You can bet on it.” With that, he strode out.


As soon as Liam left, Janine sank onto the sofa and simply stared at the door. Maybe you should let yourself love him, too.

If only it were that easy.

Oh, damn. Why the hell couldn’t Sloan just move on and find someone new? Sure, they had chemistry together. Damned strong chemistry. But they didn’t share the same outlook on love. They were not compatible.

Were they?