Page 7 of Secret Weapon

She almost laughed out loud at the dismayed expression on Sloan’s face.

“Sloan. What are you doing here?” she asked innocently.

His gaze raked over her breasts, then he wrenched it to her face, annoyance warring with heated interest in his cobalt blue eyes. Her hormones raged at the fact that he wanted her, despite how much she appalled him. And disappointed him.

She turned her back, walked toward the couch, and retrieved her blouse.

“Do you always answer the door half naked? Without even checking who’s there?” he asked.

“Of course not.” She slipped her blouse over her shoulders and turned back to face him. “Sometimes I’m completely naked.”

* * *

Sloan concentrated on breathing, trying to calm the intense anger pulsing through him at her recklessness.

His jaw clenched as he watched her button up her blouse. It didn’t help that the sight of her soft round breasts threw his body into an intense state of need. Powerful, conflicting emotions raged through him.

He had to try to make her understand.

“I could have been anyone—”

“Like Roger, whom I’m expecting.”

He hesitated. He had slipped in the front door when another tenant exited, so he could avoid using the intercom, just in case she decided not to let him up. It was reasonable that she would assume the knock on the door was this

Roger person. Still …

“But you didn’t know. I could have been some strange man—”

“You are a strange man,” she countered.

His nostrils flared. “—who would push in here, slam you against the wall, and overpower you.” Exasperated, he emphasized the words in an attempt to impart the seriousness of the situation.

Her lips turned up and her eyes glittered with amusement. “Really? Would you care to demonstrate?”

His jaw clenched and he could feel his vein pulsing at his temple.

“For God’s sake, Janine. This is serious.”

She rolled her eyes. “Only to you.” She finished buttoning her shirt, then leaned against the back of the couch. “Listen, I hate to ask, but what did you come over here to lecture me about before you found me answering the door practically naked? Or were you that confident I’d do something to enrage you?”

His lips compressed. Well, he’d blown it again. He doubted she’d listen to his proposition after that. “Could we start over?” he asked. “I came over because I’d like to talk to you about something. I was hoping we could do that now, but if you’re expecting a friend, maybe we could do it later.”


“Well, whatever you call your … men.” Damn, at the tightening of her lips he realized he’d done it again. “I mean, you thought I was someone named Roger. You said you were expecting him.”

“Oh, right. Roger.” She rocked back against the couch. “Yeah, well … I wouldn’t worry about that.”

Damned little imp. She’d been yanking his chain. He could just throttle her. But then again, maybe he’d deserved it.

“All right. Can we talk now, then?”

She shrugged. “Sure.” She stood up and circled the couch, then sat down in the easy chair. “You can grab a beer or a soda from the fridge if you want.”

“No, I’m good.” He sat on the couch across from her, just wanting to get on with this. He leaned toward her, his hands folded between his knees. “I transferred from L.A to Kenora a little while ago. I’ve been anxious to look you up, but I wanted to get settled in first, then come and talk to you.”

She leaned her chin on her hand. “But then you changed your mind and decided to take part in a sexual fantasy with me? That’s an interesting way to contact an old friend.”