Page 14 of Secret Weapon

“So if Janine drops out at a green chip, for Clothing, but we all go to Dare, she still has to take something off?” Jonas asked.

“That’s right,” Derek agreed.

The way Jonas stared at Janine, his gaze lingering on her breasts pushing against the black cloth of her dress, got under Sloan’s skin. He didn’t like the other man looking at Janine with that hungry look in his eyes, yet at the same time, it kind of turned him on. The thought that Janine would soon strip off her clothes in front of three men, then sit and casually play cards while their hot gazes caressed her body sent his hormones buzzing.

Derek flicked a black chip onto the pile. “Finally, black means Ultimate Dare. With that one, the action is done in privacy with the winner.”

“Sounds like fun.” Janine stacked her four chips on top of each other, in play order. Red on top down to black on bottom. “I have a suggestion, though. For everything except clothing, why don’t we just have the winner choose which player does the Truth or Dare?”

“That’s okay with me,” Derek said.

Sloan and Jonas both nodded in agreement.

As Derek shuffled the cards, he said, “To keep things simple, we’ll draw cards first, then do the betting.”

He dealt out the first hand and everyone anted up with a red chip. They all looked at their cards. Sloan had a pair of jacks. Janine discarded two cards, Jonas one. Sloan asked for three new cards, leaving him with the jacks and a king high. Derek took three cards.

Janine, who was to Derek’s left, pushed her green chip toward the pot. Jonas did, too.

Images of Janine standing up and stripping off that slinky black dress washed through Sloan’s brain. He tossed in his green chip.

“I call,” Derek said as he pushed forward his chips, too, then gazed at Janine.

Janine turned over her cards. A pair of queens.

“I can’t beat that,” declared Jonas.

“Me either,” said Derek.

They glanced at Sloan. He couldn’t beat it, either, so he shook his head.

Janine leaned back in her chair and grinned. “Okay, boys. Pay up.”

All the men unbuttoned their shirts and Janine hungrily glanced around the table at the broad male chests being revealed. As her gaze fell on Sloan’s chest, she lingered, sending heat through him.

In the next round, the betting progressed to the same stakes, but Jonas won. More important, Janine lost.

Sloan stripped off his socks as he turned his gaze to her. She stood up and lifted her skirt a little, revealing bare white thigh above the lacy top of h

er black stocking.

Damn, Sloan wished he’d known she was wearing stockings and a garter belt. He would have fantasized all evening. She tucked a finger under the top of the stocking and ran it around under the lace. He realized there were no garters holding it up. As she rolled the stocking down her long, sexy leg, his cock swelled, pressing painfully against the confines of his jeans. Well, maybe it was a good thing he hadn’t known after all.

“I’m not sure that’s fair.” Jonas grinned as he watched her roll down the second stocking. “We’re all naked from the waist up and you’re just taking off your stockings.”

She smiled. “Don’t be a sore winner.” She twirled one of her stockings, then crumpled it up and tossed it to him, then did the same with the other one.

“When Janine loses, the winner gets the item of clothing she took off?” Sloan asked. “That’s a great bonus.”

Jonas stroked one of the stockings against his cheek. “And still warm.”

At Jonas’ words, Sloan couldn’t help thinking about Janine’s panties and what it would be like to have her toss them to him, still warm from her body. Possibly damp from excitement.

Janine lost the next round, too, this time to Derek.

Sloan stood up and dropped his pants while Jonas took off his socks. Janine rose and walked over to Derek.

“I need a hand here.” She turned her back to him.