Page 23 of Pleasure Bound

But he simply watched her.

“I think we should have a little talk,” he said finally.

“Talk?” That’s not exactly what she felt like doing right now.

“I just want to know what your intentions are,” he said.

“My intentions?” She smiled. “Well, right now … to get laid.”

He chuckled. “That sort of takes me to my point.”

“I’d really like to take your point.” She wriggled against his knees and arched, trying to get closer to his steadily rising cock, but with no luck.

“I’m starting to think you just want me for my body,” he said.

“Well, it’s a damned fine body.” She grinned impishly. “And you use it so well.”

He pressed her legs wider apart and stroked his leg against her slit. She moaned at the feel of his muscular flesh stroking her.

“Now, be good and pay attention.”

She nodded. “Yes, Master.”

“Now right there. That’s part of what I want

to talk about. You and I have been playing at Dominance and submission, but it’s been pretty light. What I want to know is…”

His pause lingered until she finally prompted him. “Yes?”

“What if I ramp it up several notches?”


Adrenaline rushed through her, shooting her level of excitement up several notches.

“I … uh … yeah…” Her stomach quivered. “That would be…” Exciting. Intoxicating. “… great.”

He brought his face close to hers. “So if I asked you to be my slave, and do anything I want … would you agree?”


She gazed into his warm, olive green eyes. Despite his tough looks, the tattoos, piercings, and rough demeanor, she knew he was a good man. She could feel it.

“I trust you. What do you have in mind?”

“I want you to push past your comfort zone. I like to push the limits and I need a woman who’s willing to take a chance. Go for some adventure. But I’ve yet to meet a woman who can handle me, and I want to give you a chance to end this thing before we go any further.”

She almost got the impression he was trying to scare her away.

“I’m willing to give it a try.” She widened her thighs and pressed her breasts higher. “Master.”

He gazed at her peaked nipples and smiled, his olive green eyes darkening. He dipped his head and nipped one hard nipple, then sucked. She moaned at the exquisite pleasure. He kissed down her ribs, to her navel and swirled his tongue inside it, then proceeded lower. Her heart thumped loudly as she anticipated his touch down below.

But as soon as he reached her pubic curls, he changed directions, kissed her navel, and sat up.

He released her wrists, rolled her onto her side, and smacked her bottom.

“Now, slave. Go make breakfast.”