She nodded. Casey glided in and out again.

“I can’t hear you,” Darrick said.

“Oh, yes…” Jenna cooed, then sucked in air as Casey drove in deep again. “I love it.”

Casey pumped into Jenna now and from her moans and the tensing of h

er body, Darrick knew she was close. She arched and wailed her release as Casey pounded harder. Darrick’s gaze turned to Casey’s face in time to see her expression tighten, then a look of rapture as she groaned.

Fakkreh, she was coming inside Jenna right now. Darrick almost lost it on the spot.

Casey shuddered, then collapsed on Jenna. Darrick slid his arms around Casey, holding the two of them close to him.

Once Casey had caught her breath, she stood up. Her cock was still semi erect and Darrick couldn’t help himself. He reached out and grasped it in his hand. Jenna slid sideways from his lap to sit beside him, watching in fascination as he took Casey’s cock in his mouth.

Fakkreh, the feel of Casey’s hard member in his mouth, covered with Jenna’s slickness, drove him wild. He sucked and Casey groaned.

Jenna stood up and slid behind Casey, gliding her hands over Casey’s chest and tweaking her hard nipples. The sight turned him on even more. He wanted to lick those hard nubs.

Darrick cupped her ass and glided up and down her cock, then squeezed tight around the tip and sucked.

“”I’m going to come again,” Casey groaned.

He pulled her deep into his mouth and squeezed. She arched forward and hot liquid erupted into his mouth. Tension coiled deep in his groin as he longed for the same release.

Casey fell forward onto his lap. Darrick swallowed.

“Dahran, what is that delightful taste? It’s sweet and exotic.”

Casey laughed. “That is vanilla milkshake. Jenna requested it.”

“You can change the flavor?” Darrick chuckled. “Leave it to you, Casey, to pay attention to every detail to please your tanash’ae.”

Casey’s lips turned up in a beaming smile.

He became aware of Jenna nestling close, then her lips brushing his ear.

“Delightful, isn’t it?” Jenna murmured, her breath sending tremors down his neck. “I hope that means you’ll want to do that again, because it got me so hot I desperately need to be fucked again.” She smiled, setting her beautiful blue eyes alight. “By both of you.”

Darrick’s cock lurched.

Jenna turned her gaze to Casey.

“Is that okay, Casey? I know we agreed that—”

“Get your ass on his lap right now,” Casey said, her violet eyes gleaming, “I want to see your pussy swallow his monster cock right now. Then I want to drive into your tight little asshole.”

Darrick stripped off his clothes and sat on the couch again. Jenna climbed onto his lap, pressing her breasts tight against his hard, muscular chest. His hand glided down her back and over her ass. He squeezed it, then slid his fingers between her legs. At the first feel of his fingertips dipping into her wet opening, she groaned.

“Oh, God, I want your enormous cock inside me.”

His fingers slid deeper and she clamped around them. He chuckled and when he slid his fingers out, she felt a cock glide over her slippery flesh, but from behind. Darrick hiked up her ass and Casey stroked Jenna’s pussy with her hard erection. Forward and back, coating her member in slickness.

Then Darrick’s huge cockhead brushed against her and she groaned. She pushed herself up on her knees and he positioned himself at her opening, then he slowly eased her down.

“God, you are so big.”

His thick shaft stretched her impossibly wide.