Finally, he drew his cock from her warm, delightful body. Casey’s hand immediately gripped his shaft and she sat up and took him in her warm mouth. She sucked, then licked the tip. When she pulled it from her mouth, her lips turned up in a devilish smile.

“I can taste Jenna and you.” She lay down again, pulling him forward by the cock. “Now show me how much you want me, too.”

He smiled and pressed his cock to her slickness, then drove deep into her.

“Gattra, yes. I need you so badly.” Casey wrapped her arms around him and pulled him close then cupped his ass.

He swirled in a circle like he knew she loved, spiraling his cock inside her. She squeezed him as he drew back, then he surged forward again.

“It’s so good having you inside me again.” Her voice was tight and filled with need. “Make me come.”

He thrust again and again. She arched against him, her body quivering in his arms. He pounded deep and hard and she began that wonderful trill he knew so well. Her passage grasped him impossibly tight, making him ache. Pleasure vibrated through him as he filled her over and over.

“Yes, I’m…” She sucked in a breath, her face glowing. “Coming,” she wailed.

He drove into her, holding off his own need to release, keeping her orgasm going as long as he could.

“Come. For. Me,” she insisted, still riding her wave of pleasure.

He smiled and let go of his restraint. Two more pumps and his cock pulsed, then heat blazed through him as he exploded inside her.

Her wails grew louder as he continued to ride her, sending her over the edge again. He eased back a bit as she caught her breath, then pumped harder to another shattering orgasm.

Finally, he slowed his pace and kissed her tenderly. She sighed happily, ready to collapse, but then he swirled inside her delightful pussy and she moaned again. He kept her on the edge with slow, short thrusts, watching the need grow in her eyes. Then at just the right time, he thrust deep and she toppled over the edge one more time.

When he finally slowed to a stop, she fell back on the bed, still clinging to him, trying to catch her breath.

He turned his head to see Jenna staring at them with a beaming smile.

“I never thought I’d be okay watching my man making love to another woman,” she said, “but it is so freaking hot.” She stroked some stray hair from Casey’s face. “Of course, being in love with the other woman makes all the difference.”

Casey laughed and pressed her hand against Darrick’s chest until he rolled onto his back between them. Casey prowled across Darrick to kiss Jenna. He smiled at the two of them embracing over him, watching their mouths work together as their tongues explored each other. Then they dropped down on him and both kissed him at the same time. He shot his tongue out and the three of them tangled together in a wet dance.

Fakkreh, his cock was rising all over again.

Casey and Jenna grinned at each other, then slid down and each grasped his cock. Then their soft lips surrounded him and glided up and down.

“Gattra, we’ve got to stop sometime,” he groaned.

Both of them sat up and stared at him with the same impish smile. He ached at the loss of their sweet attention.

“If that’s what you want,” Casey said. “Or, if you’re tired, you could just lie there and relax while I do the work.”

Casey grasped his cock again and settled over him, her back to him, then pushed the tip into her pussy. Once she was sitting on him, his cock deep inside her warmth, she stroked her big, full breasts. She took his hand and pressed it between her legs. Need coiled inside him, growing more desperate as he felt a cock sprouting up from her again.

“Now I can be fucked by your enormous cock while I fuck Jenna with mine.”

Jenna licked her lips. The sight of Casey gliding down Darrick’s cock had made her insides melt with need. Then when Casey’s cock reappeared, but this time with her breasts staying soft and feminine, and Darrick’s cock inside her pussy, Jenna nearly chocked with need.

“I’m not afraid of a little work,” Darrick said, the words rumbling from his chest as he slid his arm around Casey’s waist and sat up.

He rolled both of them over, poised above Jenna and grasped Casey’s cock, then pressed it into Jenna’s soft folds.

“Oh, yes,” Jenna cried as Casey’s cock dipped inside her.

Then Darrick drove forward, pushing Casey deep into Jenna.

Jenna cried out at the intense pleasure. She loved how they were both fucking her at the same time again. It was exhilarating to know that Darrick’s big cock was inside Casey’s pussy, while Casey’s cock was inside Jenna.