“Of course. If that’s what you want.”

She stood up and he followed her as she hurried from the lounge. Within moments, they were at the elevator door.

Once they were inside, the door closed and Jenna moved close to him. Closer than he was comfortable with. She rested her hand on his chest. His heart pounded against her fingertips. Her blue eyes glittered as she stared up at him. His cock stirred as an ache burned through him at the longing in her beautiful blue eyes.

He wanted to pull her into his arms and ravage those sweet lips.

“Darrick…” she said, her voice a sweet caress.

She tipped her head up, her lips parting slightly.

His breath locked in his lungs. Searching deep for the strength he desperately needed right now, he wrapped his hand around her wrist and gently drew it away.

“Jenna, you are Casey’s tanash’ae. This can’t happen.”

The elevator stopped and the doors whooshed open.

“Come on. Let’s get you back to you quarters,” he said before she could argue.

He led her down the corridor and soon they stood outside the door. It opened and she stepped inside.

Then she turned to him.

“Aren’t you coming in?”

“That’s a really bad idea.”

She gazed at him with wide eyes.

“Please, I don’t really want to be alone right now.”

Fakkreh, as much as he needed to get away from her, he couldn’t just walk away.

His lips compressed, but he took the step inside. The door closed behind him.


Darrick frowned as Jenna sat on the couch and gazed up at him. He eyed the armchairs, knowing he should choose one of those to keep his distance, but finally settled beside her. The irresistible urge to be near her was too strong.

“I know this is difficult for you,” he said. “You’ve been pulled away from your world and your friends.”

“And told I have to spend the rest of my life with someone I don’t even know, let alone love.”

“I know your ways are different than ours, but you said you believe in soul-mates. I’m sure if you listen to your heart, you’ll find you do have feelings for Casey.”

She leaned in closer and rested her hand on his, her gentle touch sending a blaze of fire through him.

“I don’t believe that.” She gazed up at him, her blue eyes wide. “Because as soon as I met you, I knew. My heart pounded and the ache inside me grew more intense. I may have been brought here to be with Casey, but the attraction between you and me is undeniable.”

He willed his hand to move from under hers, but without success.

“Jenna, I told you, this can’t happen. I won’t

betray Casey.”

Jenna bit her lip. “But what about me? Something’s gone terribly wrong here and neither of you believes me. You and Casey are so convinced of this bond between her and me that I’m afraid you aren’t seeing the reality.”

She touched his cheek with her soft fingers, gliding them over his coarse jaw. The raw hunger inside him ignited.