“Did you feel…funny…when that man came into the room?” Eva asked.

“What do you mean?” Jenna asked.

“She means were we hot for him.” Crystal turned to face them.

Eva shot her a glance, and Crystal shrugged.

“You were practically drooling over him, sweetie.” Crystal crossed the room and sat beside Eva. “He is definitely a hunk, but I find that other one—Terrien, I think they called him—much hotter. I really would love to jump his bones.”

That was the understatement of the century.

“Crystal, how can you think about that now?” Jenna asked. “We’ve been kidnapped by people from another planet.”

“That’s the key. They are people. Just like us.”

Eva shook her head. “How can you treat this so lightly?”

“We’re here,” Crystal responded. “I figure I’ll make the best of it. At home, a lay is a lay, but here…” She shrugged. “Well, who knows what special talents these alien hunks have?”

“They said they know who our soul-mates are.” Jenna stared into space.

“That might be what they believe, but I don’t buy it.” Crystal didn’t believe in soul-mates.

“Me neither,” Eva agreed.

After about twenty minutes, the door slid open, and Commander Raa-ling entered, followed by Casey and Terrien. Crystal’s body tingled with awareness of Terrien’s masculine presence.

“You’ll be taken to your quarters now,” Commander Raa-ling said to all of them. “If you have any more questions, pose them to your tan


Casey approached Jenna, and Terrien stepped toward Crystal, who stood up from the easy chair. She realized she had missed Terrien’s nearness, at the same time as she felt almost panicky at the increasing strength of his effect on her as he moved closer. He gazed into her eyes, then smiled, and the breath locked in her lungs. Oh, God, she needed to have this man. She desperately needed him to satisfy the intense craving deep inside her. He turned, and she followed him toward the door.

Eva leapt to her feet and stepped in front of them. “Don’t go with them. If we stay together, we have a better chance.”

“A better chance to what, Eva?” Crystal asked. She leaned close to Eva’s ear and murmured, “Look, I don’t believe in soul-mates, but I’m damned curious about sex with an alien. Especially one that looks like this hunk.” She glanced toward Terrien, then back to Eva and winked, then followed him toward the door.

Casey gestured to Jenna to follow her. Eva grasped Jenna’s sleeve.

“Don’t go,” Eva implored.

Eva’s gaze locked on Jenna’s.

“I’m sorry, Eva.” Jenna’s large, blue eyes pleaded for understanding.

Chapter Four

Crystal felt a little guilty abandoning Eva, but she could not ignore the need driving her forward. Eva would be fine with the handsome Commander Raa-ling, Crystal was sure. Clearly, Eva felt an attraction to him similar to what Crystal felt with Terrien, but she was fighting it. If it was anywhere near as strong as what Crystal felt for Terrien, she’d get past her resistance soon enough.

Jenna and her guard followed Crystal and Terrien out of the room, and the door slid closed behind them.

Crystal followed Terrien down the corridor and around some turns, watching his fine, tight butt as he walked. Finally, he stopped in front of a door, and it slid open, then she followed him into what appeared to be a private quarters. The décor was simple but comfortable, with dark wood furniture, probably simulated but looking quite authentic, and upholstered chairs and couch with clean but inviting lines.

“Mmm. Nice place.”

“I’ll show you your room.”

She followed him through another door into a room with a large bed, then to another door and yet another bedroom. It was roomy and looked very comfortable.