Larson easily senses his soul-mate’s desire for him, but it’s trapped inside her lovely body like a caged bird. Only patience will win her trust. Every time his touch draws her one step forward, though, she withdraws two steps back.

Eva tries desperately to remember her vow to never again surrender control. But as Larson chips away at her defenses one sensual pebble at a time, her resistance is crumbling by the second…

Warning: The author is not responsible for heart palpitations brought on by anticipation, suspense and smoking-hot sex. These aliens have talents that fit every woman’s needs—literally. ’Nuff said.

Enjoy the following excerpt for The Commander’s Woman:

Larson gazed at this woman he’d never met before, the woman he would spend the rest of his life with, the woman he’d longed for with a demanding ache that would not relent. He needed her with a desperation that overruled everything else.

He loved her.

He took a step forward, and she took a step back. He stepped forward again, and she backed up until the wall thumped against her back. Although she seemed intent on resisting her attraction to him, that attraction was quite evident. Her nipples hardened to tight beads, thrusting against the thin fabric of her black dress. Peaking toward him. He longed to slide the black fabric aside and brush his fingertips over them, then run his tongue around the rigid buds and the pebbling flesh surrounding them.

He curled his fingers tightly into his palms, knowing he had to control himself. He had to fight the desperate need to throw her onto their bed and drive into her. To make her his immediately. His cock throbbed with the need as it strained against his trousers.

As he stood mere inches from her, chaining in the desperate ache pummeling through him, he knew he had to touch her silky skin. He raised his hand and stroked her cheek lightly. The feel of her soft skin beneath his fingertips sent his nerve endings dancing and heat shuddering through him.

“Do you know how long I’ve yearned to touch you?”

“You don’t even know me.” The words trembled from her lips.

He knew she would resist. She had been torn from her world and thrown into an unknown environment. She had lost all control of her destiny, or so she believed. This would not be easy for her. His heart ached at her pain. He would make it as easy on her as he could. If only he could make her understand how much he loved her. If she let go of her fears, she would see how much she loved him too.

He stroked the line of her jaw.

“I know you. More than I’ve ever known anyone before. Our hearts and our souls are linked.”

He wanted to nuzzle her neck and breathe in the delicate scent of her. His fingers forked through her hair and curled around the back of her head. Her lips trembled as he leaned toward her. What he wanted even more was to feel those delicate lips beneath his. He hovered within an inch of her mouth.

Her eyes widened, and she stiffened. Shock prodded him as he realized she was afraid. Of him. His gut clenched.

He eased away, then smiled warmly, hoping to reassure her.

“I am sorry,” he murmured. “I could hardly contain myself. I have ached for you for so long.”

Eva stared at him, relieved he’d backed off a little. As soon as his fingertips had brushed her cheek, she’d wanted to push his hand away and shoot across the room, far out of reach, but the allure of his touch had mesmerized her. When his lips had hovered so close to hers, she’d felt as if she’d die if he did not kiss her.

And that’s when blinding fear had consumed her.

“I won’t have sex with you,” she blurted.

“I know, my love.” A sadness tinged his turquoise eyes.

“Don’t call me that, Commander.”

“To you I am not Commander. I am simply Larson. I am your tanash’ae.”

She folded her arms across her chest.

“I don’t believe that.”

“It is true nevertheless.”

They stood in silence for a moment. Her pulse drummed loudly in her ears. She dearly wanted to put distance between them, but was afraid to push past him. A memory shot through her…of Roger grabbing her wrist, then viciously twisting it until she crumpled beneath him…of being helpless to his will.

“Are you going to take me to my quarters?” she demanded, keeping her voice strong and steady.

“These are your quarters. And mine.”