She nodded. He took her hand and pressed the button on the little remote device he carried. Seconds later, they appeared in the small ship that had brought them from the larger spacecraft back to Earth.

A plastic case with circular holes sat on the floor near one of the passenger seats. A distinctive sound—actually more like a complaint—emanated from the cage.

“Is that a cat?” Crystal asked as she circled the box. On the other side, she saw a barred door. A small cat peered out at her and mewed.

She glanced at Terrien. “Did you get me a cat?”

“No, that is Aria’s cat, Rex. After you told me how people get attached to cats and other pets, we double-checked the other Earth women’s files and found that Aria had a cat. The captain sent me to retrieve him.”

“So that’s what you did after you dropped me here? Went to get Aria’s cat?”


“And you decided to check in on me again before you left?”

“I couldn’t leave without trying one more time to convince you to come back with me.”

She leaned down and smiled at the little cat. “Hey, there, fella. You’re now officially my new best friend.”

Terrien laughed as he opened the cage and let the cat out. It prowled around the small spaceship, exploring everything with great interest. Terrien sat in the pilot’s chair, and Crystal sat in the chair beside him. As Terrien put the ship in motion, the cat leaped onto Crystal’s lap. She stroked its little head, then along its sleek, furry body. It purred loudly.

Crystal laughed, loving the soothing sound and the warm fuzzy feeling it gave her. Maybe having a cat wouldn’t be such a bad idea. She glanced over at Terrien, who piloted the ship with a wide smile on his face.

After all, the choice to welcome a man into her life had been a satisfying one.

Her heart pounded as she realized she’d finally accepted that Terrien was her soul-mate. The man she would spend the rest of her life with. She almost felt faint, but not from trepidation, as she’d feared after making this irrevocable decision. Instead, joy swelled through her.

Because she knew, to the core of her being, that she had made the right choice. Because she had chosen love.

About the Author

Opal Carew writes erotic romance. She was named “Fresh Face of Erotic Fiction 2009” and her books have won the Award of Excellence and the Golden Leaf Award, and been finalists for the National Readers’ Choice Award, HOLT Medallion, Laurel Wreath Award, and Passionate Plume Award.

Opal loves crystals, dragons, feathers, cats, pink hair, the occult, Manga artwork, and all that glitters. She earned a degree in Mathematics from the University of Waterloo, and spent fifteen years as a software analyst before turning to her passions as a writer. She lives in Canada with her husband, two sons and two cats.

To learn more about Opal, visit her website at, or contact her at [email protected]

Look for these titles by Opal Carew

Now Available:

Celestial Soul-Mates

The King and I

The Commander’s Woman

Attraction is easy. Trust is like reaching for the stars

The Commander’s Woman

© 2011 Opal Carew

Celestial Soul-Mates, Book 2

Eva’s anticipation of a free Bona Vista Resort getaway is as sweet as the welcome mixer cocktail in her hand. When she steps aboard a VIP elevator, though, she ends up a whole lot farther away than expected. An alien spaceship, loaded with twosomes, threesomes—and more—having lusty sex at the drop of a zipper.

Worse, they’re trying to sell her on the idea that the mouthwateringly hot first officer is her soul-mate. While Commander Larson Raa-ling makes her knees weak, she’s not buying. In her experience, men want only one thing from women, and it’s not everlasting love.