Hours had passed since Crystal had made her request. Since then, she’d stayed in her room, expecting Terrien to come in and talk to her, to try to convince her to stay with him. But he didn’t. Thank heavens.

“Crystal, may I come in?” Terrien’s voice sounded through a speaker in the room.

She sighed and stood up, then crossed the room and opened the door.

He stood in the doorway, tall and rigid, facing her. “Do you understand if you go back to Earth, you will continue to feel our connection? Without me there to satisfy your yearning, it will be an agony that eats at you forever.”

“You think a lot of yourself.” Her light tone did not decrease the intensity of his dark green eyes.

“I’m not joking. It will never diminish,” he insisted. “You know what I’m talking about. Even if you don’t admit it, you felt it before I brought you here. It started slowly, then increased until it became almost unbearable. No man could satisfy the need.”

Yes, she remembered. It had been totally frustrating, in more ways than one, but she hadn’t understood it then. Now she did, and she would find a way to deal with it.

He stepped toward her and reached for her hand, but she stepped back. His mouth compressed into a straight line.

“Don’t think because I will be back on Sa’oul that it will fade. Once the connection has been made, it is with you always.”

She nodded. “So I’m always going to be hot for you. And I’ll miss you. I’ll learn to live with that.”

He took her hand again but this time didn’t let go when she tried to draw away. He stroked her hair from her face with such gentleness, tears prickled at her eyes.

“Why can’t you just accept what there is between us? I love you.”

Her heart ached, and she blinked back tears, keeping them in check. “I’m sorry, Terrien, but…I just don’t love you.” It was the biggest lie of her life, but she had to say it. “Please, take me home.”

He frowned, his green eyes glittering with emotion.

Finally, he released her hand and turned his back on her. “Pull your stuff together,” he said in a hard voice as he walked through his bedroom toward the other door. “We leave in an hour.”

Crystal glanced around at her familiar living room. She stood in her own apartment. On Earth.

The trip with Terrien aboard the small spacecraft had taken only a few hours. He said the smaller craft could travel at much higher speeds than the bulkier spaceship that had to carry so many people. She didn’t understand the science behind it any more than she understood how a television worked, but she was thankful that she’d only had to spend a few hours with him rather than several days.

“Thank you. I appreciate you bring

ing me back.”

Terrien simply nodded. He stood only feet from her, but she felt like he was miles away. Ever since she’d asked him to bring her back to Earth, he’d put up a barrier.

And, of course, that made sense, but the distance between them disturbed her.

Well, get used to it. Soon he’ll be gone. For good.

“I have to leave.”

“Oh, do you have time for a coffee or something?” Damn. How totally lame.

“No, I need to pick up something, then return to the ship.”

She nodded. “Okay, well… I guess this is good-bye.”

The coolness in his eyes faltered, and he stepped forward. “Crystal, are you sure you want to do this?”

Her heart ached, and uncertainty swirled through her. But she had to be strong.

“I’m staying here, Terrien.” She couldn’t resist. She raised her hand and stroked his cheek, then along his rigid jaw. “I’m sorry.”

Suddenly, she was in his arms, pressed tight to his solid body, his mouth invading hers. His tongue sought hers. She succumbed to the sweet passion and melted against him, devouring his mouth as he devoured hers. Her body aching for him, her heart hammering in time with his.