ue that Larson could satisfy her physically, but there was a deeper need that he could not meet. A profound, intense yearning that only Terrien could satisfy.

Crystal took a deep breath. “I told you, I don’t believe in soul-mates.”

Chapter Twelve

Crystal sank back into the chair and gazed at Eva. “So tell me what’s going on with you and Larson? Why all the rules?”

Eva hesitated, then sucked in a deep breath. “I… Ever since my divorce, I decided I’m in charge of my own pleasure.”

Crystal could relate to that, but Eva clearly had bigger issues.

“In other words, you think Larson’s going to hurt you.”

Eva shifted uncomfortably.

“Your husband screwed around, right?” Crystal asked.

Eva nodded. “But even before that, when he made love to me, if you could call it that, he didn’t care about me.”

“He never gave you an orgasm?”

“No, he never even tried.”

The bastard. Crystal knew so many women screwed up by selfish men. That’s why Crystal had always taken control of her own pleasure. She would not be dependent on any man, for pleasure or anything else.

But it was so clear that Larson loved Eva and would do anything for her. She had nothing to worry about there.

Crystal leaned forward and took Eva’s hand.

“Look, honey, that was him, and Larson is Larson. Obviously, Larson knows how to make love to a woman, and it’s obvious he really loves you. He’ll always make sure you’re happy.”

Eva stared down at their linked hands.

“But how can I know?” Eva drew her hand away. “How can I take the chance?”

“Oh, God, honey. How can you not? How can you turn your back on a guy who’s going to love you and bring you pleasure at every opportunity? Look how he held back when he obviously wanted to make love to you. He left himself totally at your mercy. How can you chance losing that?”

A few moments later, a buzz sounded, and the door to the quarters slid open. The sight of Terrien in the doorway took Crystal’s breath away. Everything she’d just said to Eva could be said of her and Terrien too. She should be giving herself the same advice, but…

The thought of giving herself over to Terrien and the love that she now realized so clearly pulsed through her…terrified her. A blind terror she could not even comprehend.

But the pain in Terrien’s eyes haunted her.

Crystal clasped Eva’s hand and squeezed, then stood. Crystal avoided looking at Terrien as she crossed the room.

Silently, Crystal followed Terrien back to their quarters. As soon as the door closed behind them, Crystal headed into her bedroom, unable to face Terrien right now. The door closed behind her, and she stripped off her dress and climbed into bed, then pulled the covers around her.

Oh, God, what would she do now?

Terrien had lain in bed all night, staring at Crystal’s closed door, longing for her to be in his arms. Longing for her body pressed close to his. It tore at his heart that she’d gone to Larson yesterday, but then she’d closed herself away in her room. Closing herself off from him.

He pushed himself from his bed and showered, then trod into the kitchen. He made coffee and an omelet for her, intending to knock on her door to invite her to join him for breakfast once it was done. As he placed it on the plate, however, he felt her presence behind him. He turned to see her watching him from the doorway, wearing a blue robe.

“Good morning,” he said.

“Good morning.” Her gaze slipped from his, and she poured herself a cup of coffee.

“Did you sleep well?” he asked.