Jenna smiled at Crystal, but as soon as Crystal drew her hand away, Jenna tucked hers under the table. Crystal sensed an uneasiness in the other woman, and she had a feeling it wasn’t just from being touched by a stranger. With the slight flush of her cheeks and the way she avoided looking in Crystal’s direction, Crystal wondered if maybe Jenna was a little confused…sexually speaking. Not that Crystal minded a little girl-on-girl action every now and again. She sensed Jenna had never tried being with another woman. Maybe after Crystal had satisfied her intense craving for cock, she’d suggest Jenna join her and some hunk in a threesome, just to help Jenna explore her curiosity. Crystal would have to work at loosening her up a bit along the way—opening her mind to the possibilities of sexual activities other than boy meets girl, boy fucks girl. So many women seemed so stuck in a rut.

The thought of cocks and fucking sent heat thrumming through Crystal. She locked gazes with a gorgeous man

two tables over. He glanced her way, and she sent him a seductive smile. His dark eyes glittered, and he smiled back. Hmm. A definite possibility.

But she wanted to spend a little more time getting to know these women first. It would be nice to have friends to spend the days sunning and laughing with.

“With all these sexy hunks to choose from,” Crystal said, “I plan to get laid every night by a different man.” She winked at Eva. “Or two.”

Kate grinned, and Jenna stared at her glossy black polished nails.

A waitress stopped beside the table. “More drinks, ladies?”

Eva nodded. The waitress took away the empty glasses and set down five new ones. Eva picked one up and sipped.

The man Crystal had been making eyes at stood up and started walking toward the table.

Chapter Two

“And here comes contestant number one,” Crystal purred.

He smiled and leaned close to Crystal. “You are incredibly sexy, and I’d love to dance with you. Shall we start vertically?”

She chuckled, and her lips curled in a wicked smile at the corny line. He was hot and sexy, despite his lack of imagination. When it came to sex, she had enough imagination for the both of them.

He took her hand and led her to the dance floor, where he drew her close to his hard chest. It was what she’d been craving—being pressed close to a solid masculine body, the prospect of sex imminent—but for some reason, the thought of being with this man did not lessen the craving for…something. What that something was, she couldn’t tell, but it gnawed at her insides. She didn’t understand it. This man was extremely do-able.

As she danced, she tried to relax into it, to let out the party girl in her, but this just didn’t seem right. Whatever that meant. She just couldn’t get into this guy. And if she wasn’t into him, he wasn’t getting into her.

The song changed, and Crystal drew away. “Thanks.”

He grinned. “So, my place or yours?”

“Ah, no, I mean I’m going back to join my friends.”

She began walking off the dance floor.

He frowned. “You’re kidding, right? After sending me those ‘come fuck me’ looks, you’re just walking away?”

She simply shrugged as she continued strolling away. It must be her jerk-meter that had kicked in—that was why this guy wasn’t working for her. She returned to the table and wrapped her hands around her glass.

The women glanced at her expectantly.

“He was nice,” Crystal said, “but not exactly what I’m looking for.”

“And what are you looking for?” Kate asked.

“I don’t know, but I’m sure I’ll know it when I find it.” At least, she hoped she would.

Crystal stabbed the cherry in her glass with the sharp end of the swizzle stick and brought it to her lips. She gently tugged it off with her teeth, then drew it into her mouth, closing her lips around it.

Jenna watched with fascination, then nervously glanced down at her hands.

“You know, I won this vacation in a contest.” Jenna twirled the tip of her finger around the rim of her glass

“Really? I did too,” Eva responded.

Kate’s eyes widened. “Me too.”