Terrien sighed. “She’s very headstrong, and she doesn’t believe in soul-mates. I think this is her way of proving to herself that what she and I have is not special. I think she feels that maybe another alien man will satisfy her needs.”

Larson grinned, relieving the tension a little. “So you want me to disappoint her?”

Terrien chuckled. “No. I want you to give her the ride of her life. Then she’ll see it’s not just about the pleasure a man can give her. She’ll see that being with a soul-mate is a deeper experience.”

Larson grabbed Terrien’s shoulder and squeezed, an acknowledgment of their shared pain. Then he nodded.

“Seriously, I am willing to help, but I must warn you, I will tell Eva that I intend to be with another woman. That will force her to question how she truly feels about me and our relationship. I will also tell her that if she asks me not to go forward with this, then I won’t.”

“I understand, and I hope for your sake that she does protest, but for my own sake, I hope she does not.”

Larson nodded. “So let’s see where nata’tai takes us.”

Crystal walked beside Terrien down the corridor, her heart accelerating. This was really happening. Terrien was delivering her to another man’s quarters. For sex.

“It’s here,” he said as he stopped in front of a door.

They waited patiently. Crystal assumed some kind of sensor informed the occupant of the quarters that they were outside. She smoothed her dress over her hips as they waited. Terrien had created a copy of the red evening gown she’d been wearing when she first came aboard the ship. The one Terrien had torn off her during their first frantic sexual encounter. The memory of that night still took her breath away.

In fact, the memory of every sexual encounter with Terrien took her breath away.

Terrien glanced at her and she could tell he noticed her peaked nipples pushing at the thin fabric of the dress. From the tight set of his jaw, he probably thought her arousal was in anticipation of the sexual tryst ahead of her. In truth, she actually felt a little nervous. What if this man didn’t live up to Terrien’s prowess? What if he was as good as Terrien, but she still didn’t climax without self-stimulation?

The door slid open, and she glanced up to see the handsome Commander Raa-ling. He was incredibly hot and sexy. She was also pretty sure he was Eva’s man, yet Terrien said that soul-mates don’t have sex with other people.

“Good evening.” He smiled at her, revealing even white teeth in a dazzling smile.

Her lips turned up. “Good evening, Commander.”

“Please call me Larson,” he said as she stepped into his quarters, which were a little bigger than Terrien’s but essentially the same.

The door closed, and when she glanced behind her, Terrien was gone. Well, of course, he wouldn’t come in and join them on her…date. Though the thought of both Terrien and Larson giving her pleasure at the same time sent thrills through her. Maybe that’s what she should have suggested. Maybe Terrien would have found that more palatable.

As soon as she realized her thoughts were turning to how to adapt her needs to Terrien’s, she cut them off. This was about what she needed. Terrien was not really her soul-mate. He had no claim on her.

No, it was better this way. A threesome including Terrien would not make the point she needed to with him.

“Would you like a drink?” Larson asked.

She nodded, and he picked up a red bottle and poured a clear liquid into a tall glass and handed it to her. She tasted it. It had a delicate fruit flavor, like berries and a little citrus. She took another sip, and warmth spread through her, relaxing her.

Larson watched her as he sipped his drink. He was tall and sexy, and her insides throbbed with need. She was anxious to experience his touch, to see if he could bring her as much pleasure as Terrien could.

She smiled and walked toward him, her gaze running the length of his body, up and down. In response, he openly surveyed her body, sending her nipples rising again. He smiled and stepped forward, his gaze settling on the swell of her bosom. She glanced at his crotch and the healthy-sized bulge forming there.

Did all these alien guys have huge cocks? If so, this planet they were going to could be quite the place to visit.

She tipped back her glass and finished the drink, then smiled enticingly. “I assume the bedroom is this way?”

He chuckled and followed her as she walked to what she presumed was the bedroom door.

She stepped into the room, then walked toward the big bed. She could feel Larson behind her. She turned around and slid her hands over his broad shoulders, then around his thick neck, and their lips met.

His mouth moved expertly on hers, and her body melted against him. Oh, God, he was hot. Excitement blazed through her at the warm pressure of his lips, the gentle caress of his tongue, the heady male taste of him. She stroked his neck and the back of his head, her fingers forking through his long, honey-colored hair.

Her heartbeat accelerated, and her breasts swelled. Tingles danced along her skin as she anticipated the feel of his hands exploring her body.

His mouth moved passionately on hers, arousing her in a way no kiss ever had before. She clung to his shoulders for support, her knees turning rubbery. She arched against him and moaned. His hands stroked over her back, pulling her closer against his hard, muscular body.