So her mother had found she could not depend on her own father who should have cared about her, or her husband who should have helped her raise their children. Of course, Crystal’s dad hadn’t had a choice, but that just went to show that even when a guy is reliable, a woman shouldn’t depend on him. Things happen.

And in her mother’s case, she went on to a string of bad relationships. She’d fall in love with a guy, then wind up heartbroken and crying on Crystal’s shoulder. It had been devastating to watch. Crystal had learned from her mother’s situation and vowed never to allow herself to be so vulnerable. She would not depend on a man, or anyone else. Ever.

She heard the door to the quarters open. It would be Terrien returning from his shift. She set the reading device on the table beside her bed and stood up. As she walked out of her bedroom and through his, she steeled herself for the conversation to come.

She didn’t want to hurt him, but she had to make him understand that she did not intend be in a monogamous relationship with him. Just because he believed in soul-mates, didn’t mean she did, and she had to make it clear that she would not have him force his beliefs on her and her life.

The thing that threw her off so completely with Terrien was his ability to give her such astonishing pleasure. She needed to know if this was unique to Terrien or if any of the alien men could do it.

She stepped into the living room, and he glanced up and smiled.

“Hello.” He walked toward her.

A yearning grew inside her with every step he took. When he drew her into his arms and his solid body pressed against her, need shimmered through her. His lips captured hers with such tenderness and passion, she melted against him.

Oh, God, the man knew how to kiss.

But the longing was too powerful. It overwhelmed and frightened her, so she reached deep inside herself for the strength to draw away.

“Is there something wrong?” he asked as she stepped away.

“We need to talk.”

“All right. I’d like to learn more about your culture and—”

“Not about that.” She took his hand and led him to the couch.

Most men would have cringed at her remark, since it was generally a precursor to a relationship talk, but Terrien was from another world and didn’t have the same triggers as human men.

She sat down, and he sat beside her.

“What do you want to talk about?” he asked.

“Well, I’ve been on this ship for several days now, and you’ve been a wonderful host, but I’d like to…experience something new.”

“New?” His eyebrows drew together. “But haven’t most of the things you’ve experienced here been new to you?”

“Yes, that’s true, but I’ve only been here with you, and as great as things have been between us, I’d like to…” She hesitated, not quite finding it in herself to be as direct as she usually was. She shrugged. “Um, well, I’d like to see someone else.”

“See?” His eyes narrowed. “Exactly what are you trying to say?”

She sighed. “Okay, here it is. I’m on a ship of aliens. You’ve already proven that you have interesting abilities. And I told you…I’m not a one-man woman.”

His hands balled into fists, and his warm gaze cooled, glinting with a hard edge. “Are you actually saying you want to be with another man?”

His sharp tone threw her off. She stood up and started to pace. “Look, I’ve never pretended to be something I’m not. I like being with men, and I never stay with one for very long. That’s just how I am.” She stopped and faced him, meeting his hard gaze. “I won’t apologize for who I am.”

“And I won’t apologize for who I am. Or what I believe in. You are my soul-mate, and soul-mates don’t go off with other lovers.”

She planted her hands on her hips. “But I don’t believe in soul-mates, and I do whatever I damned well please.”

He stood up and stepped toward her, his height and irate demeanor a little intimidating. “I forbid it. I will not allow my tanash’ae to have sex with another man.”

Anger flared though her. “Are you saying I’m your prisoner?”

“No, you’re my tanash’ae.”

“If that means you get to control my life, then from what I’m hearing, there’s no difference. Are you going to keep me locked up in these quarters for the rest of the trip? And when we arrive on your planet, will you keep me locked up in your house?”