She sighed. “I usually do a morning run in the park.”

“Well, we could go to the gym, or how about a swim?”

“A swim? You have a pool aboard this ship?”

“Sure. We also have a river.”

She laughed. “A river? I'd like to see that.”

He kissed her, then pushed himself out of bed. She couldn’t help admiring his muscular physique, and his long, dangling penis, remembering the pleasure it had given her.

“I’ll make you some breakfast first. Ham and cheese omelet, right?”

“How did you know?”

He smiled. “I learned everything I could about you.”

After breakfast, Crystal glanced at the choice of bathing suits Terrien showed her on a video screen. She chose a sexy black bikini with a floral sarong skirt, and he pressed a button, then walked to a wall compartment, slid open a door and pulled out the neatly folded garments. She felt odd walking through the corridors of the spaceship in a bikini and sheer sarong, but the crew they passed, all in uniform, paid little attention except for the appreciative glances of a few of the men as they gazed at her ample show of bosom.

“It’s here.” Terrien turned toward a door, and it slid open. As she followed him through the doorway, she felt as if they were stepping outdoors.

She gazed upward to see a blue sky, a few light, fluffy clouds and what appeared to be the sun.

“Wow. The sun and sky look so real.”

He smiled. “The river isn’t huge, but it’s pleasant to relax on a floater while the water carries you around, or you can swim against the current to get a good workout.”

Crystal glanced at the river, which was about eight feet wide, surrounded by sandy beach. She took off her sandals, then stepped from the solid floor, which extended a few feet into the room, onto the soft, fine sand. It was warm and squished between her toes. She laughed at the sensual feel of it.

Terrien took her hand and led her toward a couple of lounge chairs a few feet from the water’s edge. She unfastened the sarong and pushed it into the beach bag Terrien had brought with them, then grabbed a towel from inside and draped it over the chair.

Several other couples lounged around on chairs. One couple held each other and kissed, another had removed their swim suits and explored each other’s bodies, a third just relaxed, stretched out on their chairs holding hands.

“Your people certainly seem to be comfortable with their sexuality. Unless this is a ship of perverts.”

He laughed. “No, this is pretty typical. There are appropriate and inappropriate places for sexual activity, but we’re not as restrictive as on your world. Public sexuality is fine in appropriate places.”

“Like beaches and swimming pools?”

“We also have lounges and clubs for such things. We have a special recreation room on the ship, called the red room, where people can enjoy each other sexually or watch others. Voyeurism is an accepted activity.”

“Hmm.” Her nipples puckered as she watched the couple five chairs away stroking each other.

The man’s hand slipped under the woman’s swimsuit bottoms, and she moaned, her hands stroking over his tight, naked buttocks, his cock swelling against her thighs.

“I’m going in the water,” Crystal announced.

She stepped into the river, Terrien right behind her. The water was a lovely temperature, eighty-five or so, she guessed, and about three feet deep at the edge, but dropped away as she walked toward the center until it was over her head. A current swooshed past her. She started to swim, finding it very invigorating swimming against the current. After fifteen minutes of strong swimming, she dragged herself from the water, then shook her hair and pushed it off her face.

She slumped on the lounge chair, ignoring the other couple still enjoying foreplay. The woman’s head bobbed up and down on the man’s ample cock as she crouched beside him, and he fingered her now naked pussy.

Crystal lay back on the chair and closed her eyes, enjoying the warm feel of the simulated sunshine on her body. At the gentle brush of lips on her stomach, she opened her eyes.

“What are you doing?” she asked Terrien.

He tugged on the tie on one side of her bikini bottom, releasing the bow. She clamped her hand down on it.

“I don’t think so.”