“I will.” The frustration squeaked in her voice.

He kissed her temple and thrust deep.

“You won’t. Trust me, my love.”

He shifted his hips and spiraled inside her, sending a thrilling sensation swirling through her, drawing the orgasm closer, closer, but not close enough.

“Let yourself go.”

But every muscle in her body tensed, grasping for that elusive burst of pleasure.

“Let it go.” His hand slid behind her and stroked her lower back.

Like magic, she felt the tension drain from her. Her muscles relaxed, and yet the pleasure built in her as he surged his long, hard cock in and out of her hot, wet passage. Incredibly, she felt the elusive “O” approach, then ignite around the edges of her consciousness, then burst into an intoxicating flame of pure ecstasy.

“Oh, God, oh, God, oh, GOD!”

She rode the wave of passion he thrust through her, his cock penetrating her to the core, her body bouncing beneath him, pummeled with pure bliss.

He exploded within her, sending her over the top again. Just as the second orgasm ebbed, he rocked his pelvis, then pivoted sideways, propelling her into another orgasm.

As she lay gasping for breath, he worshiped her breasts with his lips.

“You see? I am able to bring you an orgasm without you needing to pleasure yourself.”

He had brought her to orgasm, something a man had never done before, not without her help. Not just once but several times. And it was the most amazing pleasure she’d ever experienced in her life.

But…what if it was just a fluke? Last night might have been just because she’d been so primed, over such a long period of time. And this morning… What if that was just…luck? What if she never experienced that amazing pleasure again?

“It wasn’t luck, Crystal,” he said as if reading her mind.

To prove his point, he arched forward, driving his cock deep into her. He barely moved, just a slight vibration of his hips, and she wailed as intense, bubbling pleasure crashed over her. She hovered on the crest of the gigantic wave, gasping as the orgasm surged through her. Time lost all meaning. The orgasm went on and on.

It slowed, the pleasure diminishing a little; then he spiraled his hips, and it erupted even stronger. She screamed in pure ecstasy. Never had she experienced such joy.

Slowly, he released her from his sexual spell, slowing his movements, allowing her pleasure to ramp down. She gasped in air as he kissed her shoulder. He smiled down at her, looking more satisfied than a man had a right to. Except, in his case, he did have that right after what he’d just given her.

She glanced up at his face and the loving look in his eyes, and somehow she knew it would be like that with him every time. He had a power over her. She shuddered at the thought, yet she still had an overwhelming need for closeness. The strange vulnerability frightened her, but she was a slave to its demand.

“Hold me.”

“Of course, sweetheart.”

He released her bonds and wrapped his arms around her, drawing her close to his body. She curled up in his embrace, wanting the comfort of his touch, even though a part of her insisted it was his touch that frightened her.

She didn’t like anyone having power

over her. The more he gave her such pleasure, the more she would want it, then need it. It would become an addiction.

She couldn’t allow that.

Crystal opened her eyes and glanced around, a little disoriented. It felt like it should be morning, but it was dark in the room, with the exception of soft, artificial light.

“What time is it?” she asked.

“It’s eleven-thirty in the morning, your time.”

She pushed herself onto her elbows. Black sky and a field of stars were visible through the small window on the wall to the left of the bed. It was forever night aboard this ship. Always artificial light. No sunshine. This would take some getting used to.