“Nata’tai, Eva. That’s so—”

She sucked him deep again, and he groaned as hot liquid filled her mouth. She swallowed and sucked, swallowed and sucked, until she’d milked him dry. She released the rigid flesh and licked up his body. She smiled at him, and he cocked his head forward to capture her lips, his arms straining against the bands. She cupped his cheeks and kissed him back, loving the feel of his tongue plundering her mouth.

“Is that all you want to do?” he asked. “Don’t you want my cock inside you?”

She looked him up and down, considering.

“I don’t see how that’ll work like this.”

He smiled. “Is that all that’s stopping you? You can release the bonds from the wall and set them anywhere. I won’t be able to move from that spot.”

She smiled. “Like on the bed?”

He grinned. “Exactly.”

She picked up the control and stared at it.

“Click the left button. That will turn off the position lock. When I lie down, you can position my hands anywhere you like, then press the button again to lock them in place.”

She pushed the button, and his hands dropped forward. A devilish smile curled his lips as he strode toward her. Alarm skittered through her, and her hand tightened around the remote control, but the small, curved device slipped from her trembling fingers and bounced across the floor.

Chapter Nine

Larson grabbed Eva and dragged her into his arms. His mouth captured hers, and she melted against him. Her breasts throbbed against his hard, hot chest.

A moment later, he released her, then crouched down and retrieved the remote control. He handed it to her, then lay down on the bed.

She sucked in a breath, exhilaration pulsing through her. She arranged his hands, wrist-to-wrist, above his head, then pressed the left button again. Amazingly, after climaxing only moments ago, his cock still stood straight up, tall and proud.

She considered climbing straight onto his erection, but her wet pussy wanted a different kind of attention first. She straddled him and sat on his chest. The feel of his rock-hard muscles against her slick, hot pussy as she shifted forward almost sent her into orgasm. She pushed back the waves of pleasure, not wanting this to end so soon.

“Since you are so willingly playing my sex slave, there’s something I’d like you to do.”

He smiled wickedly. “It would be my pleasure.”

She pushed herself onto her knees, widening her legs as she tilted her pelvis forward. He tipped his head toward her, and his long, hot tongue licked her slit. She moaned at the exquisite feel of slick flesh on slick flesh. He dabbed at her clit, then twirled in tight circles. Pleasure pounded through her like surf against the shore. His tongue slid inside her, licked and thrust, then returned to her clit. She nearly fainted at the intensity. The need to feel his cock inside her became overwhelming. She moved back, and he gazed up at her, surprised.

She grasped his enormous cock, then lifted herself and thrust down on it. It penetrated her deep and hard, just as the first wave of orgasm raged through her. She lifted and dropped on him again and again as her moans steadily increased. The most intense pleasure she’d ever experienced exploded through her. She wailed in ecstasy.

Vaguely, she heard his groans of release and felt his semen spill into her. She clenched around him, pulling at his cock, wanting his seed inside her. Up and down, she rode him, fast and hard, fading into forever, her entire body glistening in blissful delight. A joyful abandon claimed her, and she cried out.

Finally, she collapsed on him, snuggling into the crook of his neck. She brushed her lips against his collar bone, allowing herself to float away, enjoying the feel of his cock still buried deep inside her. Exactly where it was supposed to be.

Eva awoke feeling a little stiff. She was lying on her stomach with something hard beneath her. Her vagina twitched.

And something hard inside her.

She gasped and jolted straight up. Larson’s cock, still erect, filled her vagina.

How long had she been asleep?

She gazed down at the man she held captive between her legs. He smiled up at her.

“Oh my God. You must be stiff.”

His cock twitched inside her.

“That I am.”