Page 72 of Stroke of Luck

“No, thank you. It’ll be fine,” Quinn said.

The waitress smiled and hurried away.

“So you’re not angling to stay married to April?” Quinn demanded.

“Hey, don’t get me wrong. I would absolutely love to stay married to her. But as I said, if you love her…”

“Fuck, I don’t know what to think anymore. I thought I knew what she was all about. But everything’s changed since I’ve spent this time with her. Now that I understand her background and why she really broke up with me.”

“So you admit you’re in love with her?”

“I don’t know. But either way, I’ve royally screwed up.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Fuck, the first time I made love to her … on our wedding night … I was like a madman. You saw how I behaved. It wasn’t exactly a special moment.”

Austin’s lips turned up in a half grin. “She seemed to enjoy it.”

Quinn scowled. “Maybe, but if she did, it wasn’t because of any consideration from me. I just took from her. And you don’t know about what happened before. When we made the arrangement. I demanded she give me a blow job, and when she was done, I did nothing for her. In fact, I practically rushed her out the door. Not like you. You treated her properly.”

“Look, none of that matters. You’re struggling with the past, and she knows that. In case you haven’t noticed, she’s a sweet and loving person, and I’m sure she’s in love with you. I suggest you get her into bed alone and show her how you feel in your heart. You won’t have to say a thing. After that, just see where things go.”

“Yeah, if she’ll even talk to me.” He shook his head.

“We’ll deal with that when the time comes. Right now, why don’t we have the food sent up to the suite? I’m sure she’ll appreciate that once her stomach starts to rumble.”

Austin signaled for the waitress.

* * *

Quinn glanced at his watch, his foot tapping as nervous energy thrummed through him. Where was April?

He and Austin had been back in the suite for over an hour, finished their meals, and now sat in the living room. Austin was happily reading a book in the armchair, but Quinn couldn’t settle.

“Relax, buddy. She’ll be back,” Austin said.

“Maybe I should go look for her,” Quinn said, glancing at his watch again.

Austin closed the book and set it on the coffee table, then leaned forward.

“It’s not like she has bus fare or anywhere to go,” he pointed out. “And she promised a month. From everything I’ve seen, she’s a woman of her word. Do you really think she’s going to skip out on us, especially when she’s so concerned about paying off the debt?”

Quinn needed to sort out his feelings for her. He hated struggling with his emotions like this. And not having her here was driving him crazy.

His chest tightened another notch. “I just want to know she’s okay.”

A light knock sounded at the door. Quinn strode to the entrance and swung it open.

April stood on the other side, her expression subdued.

His heart swelled at the sight of her.

“Quinn, I’m sorry I ran out on breakfast.”

He gently grasped her elbow and drew her inside, letting the door close behind her.

“It’s okay, baby.” Quinn guided her into the living room.