Page 85 of Punishing the Brats

She bit her lower lip, trying to silence herself from any gasps of pleasure, and she was glad she did. Never had she seen anything like it, and her eyes grew wide as she took a step backwards. This is so wrong. She closed her eyes tightly again, trying to purge the sight of her brother’s virile body cumming, but it was ingrained on her eyelids, and she shivered as she tried to repress her desire.

The intensity of his expression as he leaned against the rock wall and bent forward closer to her… he’d experienced what must have been an incredibly intense climax, and she got to witness the final throes of it as a few more spurts of creamy seed jetted out into the dirt. Rob forced his eyes open and looked at her chest again, a lewd moan escaping him as he pumped the last of his ejaculate out.

“Oh fuck,” he groaned, the pace of his hand over that thick shaft slowing as he milked it dry. “Sorry sis,” he said in a low, almost drugged sort of voice. A shiver travelled through his tanned, muscular form, along his broad shoulders, down across his hard pecs and abs, which were a bit paler thanks to his shirt, matching her own skin tone there. “I got carried away,” he panted out.

“Yea,” she hissed, trying to sound unamused. Annoyed, even.

Anything to hide the desire that brewed just beneath her skin.

“Now I have to wash off. Great.” She went to reach for her bikini but, seeing the cum laced across her tits, sighed. “Fuck, go get the papaya or else dad’ll have a fit about how long we were gone.” Her fingers trembled as she undid her shorts and straightened her bikini bottoms over her generous ass.

She walked over to the pool haughtily as she stepped into the warm water and began rinsing herself off.

Despite having just blown his load on her, she noted that her brother didn’t move. He stood there, staring at her as she shed her shorts. Dick still in hand and throbbing as he watched her step into the warm water out from beneath the ledge, where the sun shone upon her.

“Fuck sis,” he choked out in a husky voice. The deep, dark purple crown of his cock so prominent, with a little bead of pearl white atop its slit. “I never realized how gorgeous you are before all this.”

She stilled for a moment, her breath caught in her throat. This was something different. It wasn’t just desperate ne

ed in his voice anymore, and it both titillated and infuriated her.

“Rob, get cleaned up and stop being gross.” She hoped she sounded in control, confident, because she certainly didn’t feel it. Her mind was in turmoil and she hurried to wash herself of her brother’s taint.

It did the trick, because he quickly nodded then knelt down at the edge of the pool, rinsing off his hand then using it to wipe away the remaining cum from the tip of his dick before stuffing it back into his speedo.

“S-sorry,” he muttered, sounding so embarrassed about what he’d just said. “I-I got carried away.” Though, as he headed off, he paused and added, “A deal’s a deal though.”

Before she could retort he was gone. Headed off into the jungle to gather up the papaya he'd use as an excuse to jerk off to her.

She leaned back in the water as he left, the sun beating down on her skin as she tried to take in what just happened. What she’d just done, and agreed to. It was all her father’s fault! If he hadn’t made her feel so uncomfortable and weirded out, she’d never have gotten lost in this damned jungle and found Rob doing... that.

Still, at least she had a shirt now. If she dressed more presentably, maybe that’d help them all settle down a little.

* * *

Her father managed to make the fish taste better than anything at home. She didn’t know how, as there wasn’t much to work with on the island but the fruit. Though once the big meal was done, she felt sated, though she never let herself overindulge. She'd developed that willpower long before they were shipwrecked.

Angel called it a night early, shortly after the sun set, not wanting to sit around before the still hungry gazes of those two virile men more than she had to.

She couldn’t find sleep in the cave. Not so soon. And not as the sounds of the fire crackling outside mingled with the low murmurs of her brother and father.

They’d kept quiet for some time, but once they’d begun to talk she perked up and listened in closely.

“So what’s the deal with her wearin’ your shirt?” asked her father, sounding more than just curious. Perturbed maybe?

“Sorry dad,” said her brother, and she could make out the silhouette of him outside the cave, rubbing a hand over his short blonde hair. “I was... well, I was weak…” he muttered.

“What do you mean?” asked her father, to which her brother hesitated.

“She caught me… y’know. Jerkin’ off.”

“So?” retorted her father. “For that you give her your shirt?”

“No,” Rob responded. “It was so she’d let me jerk off on her tits,” he said, fudging the truth a little. “Promised to let me at ‘em twice a day from now on,” he confessed, his tone growing to an almost boasting tenor.

Angel sneered, and her face burned with her anger, but she tried to keep still. To hold back her heated breaths, to repress her shame. Not only was he telling her father what she’d done, but making her seem like an even bigger skank!

She couldn’t believe she’d done it, and now everyone in her world knew about it.