Page 82 of Punishing the Brats

Her own skin easily toasted in the bright tropical sun, but she did all she could to keep her more natural skin colour by avoiding working in the warmest hours. Yet no amount of shade could keep her skin free of that glistening perspiration, despite the fact she wore only a bikini top and a pair of tight, tattered shorts. The lone outfit that hadn’t been destroyed or lost in the wreckage.

Her family hadn’t fared much better. Her father had only a tattered pair of khakis that had devolved into shorts, leaving his thick thighs and powerful calves exposed, and the entirety of his bulky, muscle-bulging abs, chest and arms bare and browned by the sun. Her brother did little better, clad in a speedo and a sleeveless shirt that had seen better days.

They were two gorgeous male specimens, truth be told, and the months working on the island had only enhanced their physiques. Hell, it made them all the more irresistible. Fanning herself by the cave, Angel’s mind wandered as her eyes followed their ascent. She barely even realized they had reached the plateau and headed towards her.

“Hey Angel!” came her father’s deep voice, his face lit up with a smile as he carried the heavy fish in one arm, a salvaged fishing pole in the other. Each and every step showed off those calf muscles.

Her brother, meanwhile, stared at her chest. The way her nipples were hard and poked through the thin fabric of her bikini top even under the oppressive heat. All thanks to the sight before her.

She didn’t try to draw his eyes away, embarrass him in front of their father. Instead, she pretended to be oblivious, fanning herself with such a leisurely air. She didn’t know where they got the energy amidst this heat. She was used to milder temperatures, and the summer was absolutely oppressive, even with the breeze off the ocean.

“Hey dad,” Angel replied, her lips spreading into a sly smile. “Finally got bored of fishing?”

The older man chuckled, lashing the cord holding the fish to a makeshift rack outside the cave before running a hand back through his thick, wavy blonde hair, which had grown so much lighter with all the sun he got. “Somethin’ like that, sweetie. If we kept it up, we’d be eating so much fish we'd turn into some ourselves at this rate,” he remarked with a dashing smile as he tied the fish on securely.

The entire time her brother couldn’t help but stare at her generous breasts, a bulge growing in his tight blue speedo that was simply impossible to hide. Once he realized what was happening he made an awkward effort to twist away from her and stow away his own rod to hide it.

It only made her smirk grow, her light blue gaze following his body in a more discreet manner as she shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know. There’s not much to do here but eat.” Angel exhaled in an exaggerated manner, her arms folding beneath her bikini top. “It’s too hot to do anything else.”

While the two men had grown so lean and hard from their labours under the sun, her shapely body had remained delightfully soft in the right places. She still sported a round backside, a pair of tits to die for, a nice little waist preserved thanks to a healthy diet of mostly fruit and fish.

“It’s not that bad,” her father replied with a chuckle as he bent to the fire before her, his chiseled body on display like a statue, thighs parted and showing off his naturally generous bulge as he started up the kindling in the fire pit.

“Some of us manage,” remarked her blonde haired brother hiding a bitter tone as he glanced back at her over his shoulder in between pretending to be busy. Undoubtedly he still struggled to hide his erection from her, not knowing she’d already seen it swell beneath the shiny blue fabric.

“Cute, Rob,” Angel replied as she stuck out her tongue at his back. She was eighteen, but she knew she could still be a little brat, and she didn’t care. He deserved it, trying to act so high and mighty while eye-fucking his own sister.

Not that she didn’t enjoy it.

Angel sank into the grass, her legs splayed in front of her as she looked towards the fire pit. “Still, wish some lemons grew on this island or something. I’m dying for some variety.”

Her father gave her a thoughtful look as he did that strange twisting of the stick into the kindling, a little rivulet of smoke rising up. He then looked to her brother Rob, “Remember those papaya trees we saw further over the ridge?” he said, not waiting for a response. “Run and get your sister one. Might as well bring back a couple I suppose.” He smiled back to his daughter, “Variety doesn’t hurt, huh?”

Her brother might’ve bristled, but with the painful erection in his swim suit he practically jumped at the opportunity. “Fine!” he complied, trying to sound exasperated. “I’ll be back shortly!” he called out as he walked at a speedy rate away.

Angel’s smug grin grew as she watched her brother run off to fetch her some fruit. Curling her legs up to her chest, she couldn’t help but appreciate how good she felt, even if she did complain. Sure, she was stranded in the middle of nowhere, but there was no school to worry about, no part-time job... Even the luxuries missing from her life made the going easier, for the most part. No TV or internet or mirrors all improved her self-image markedly, and getting to know the two men in her life was something of a thrill.

Her emotions, though-- she could have kept them in check better. Back home, surrounded by dozens of horn-dog males vying for her attention, she’d never paid her family any mind. She recognized them for good looking men and that was that.

But now, without the pleasant distractions of the world outside, she found herself more and more fixated on them. The taboo of it, though, wasn’t lost on her. She kept tugging her mind back to a proper state of mind as it went adrift. It wasn’t right.

He blew onto the fire, and for some reason that seemed to help it grow. Once it was going proper, he added some actual wood to the fire and winked at her as he approached.

“Thanks, dad,” she finally managed as she tore her eyes away and forced them to the kindling.

“No problem, sweetie.” He stroked a hand over her own blonde hair, not as bleached by the sun as his or her brother’s, giving her a kiss.

Standing so close to her, his powerful musk filled her nostrils. He had some thick hair upon his chest, and a short beard, both in contrast to her brother who she knew to have neither.

Her father crouched down and still he towered over her, stroking her wavy hair on down to her bare shoulder. “You’re the only woman in my life now -- our lives --” he amended, “gotta take extra special care of you now, my sweet Angel.”

Every word from her daddy dripped with such sweet honey, such care.

He’d always favoured her, it was true, but there was something about the way he looked after her that grew more and more… intimate over time they’d been wrecked. And he was right, he’d been giving her extra special attention in recent months.

She always had been the center of his attention. He spoiled her rotten, here and back home. The whole house knew it. Hell, this trip was her idea. Still, she sighed as she leaned into his strong hand, “I really don’t think anyone’s going to find us out here.”

His fingers lingered upon her shoulder, stroking her smooth skin so pleasantly. His hard, tanned fingers upon her pale skin as he leaned in and kissed her cheek. Then kissed it again nearer to her ear. “If nobody comes, Angel, we’ll just make a new life for ourselves here. And it’ll be a great one too.”