
“Naw, Aunt Betty. We only got it in celebration of Sylvia’s thing, since it’s Saturday and all. Seriously, we’re fine. I’ll go call my parents right away, promise.”

She took her time, contemplating her words as she tapped her toes. She looked from him, to the pizza box, then around the kitchen. Thankfully Sylvia had been cleaning up the mess of previous pizza boxes, otherwise his attempts to convince her they’d been eating responsibly would’ve all failed miserably.

Yet still… the serious looking older woman was not quite persuaded.

“Well…” she started, drawing the word out before she got to what she was going to say.

Zach knew he had to head it off, get her gone.

“Besides, you look like you’ve been workin’ today. Last thing you need to do is come here to prepare a meal, after a long day’s work, when we just bought a celebratory pizza,” he said, trying to play on that aspect.

It seemed to work, as her lips quirked up into a little half-smile.

Like he was every bit the respectful young man.

He smiled, all charm as he felt like he was really onto something. He walked towards her a few feet, shaking his head.

“It’s hard enough having to work on the weekend. Seriously, go home, relax. Maybe we can all get together next week and Sylvia can cook something up.”

It seemed to work, mostly.

“That sounds lovely,” and he could feel the but coming before she even said it, “but you shouldn’t put all those domestic responsibilities upon your sister like that. She’s an athlete too, you know Zach? Make sure you treat her with respect for that,” she said, giving him a soft-yet-stern look to make sure her point was driven home.

He mustn’t roll his eyes. He mustn’t roll his eyes. He mustn’t roll his eyes.

Zach looked downwards, as if he were sheepish and she totally had him pegged. He nodded, and remembered the day before when he’d seen Sylvia on the gymnastic floor, moving with such fluid grace.

Just like how she should be moving atop his cock before their aunt stopped by, unannounced.

“Just keep that in mind, okay?” she said as he escorted her back to the front door, with one final inspection around the place. “And make sure you call your parents, I don’t want to hear from them all worried again. They’re supposed to be relaxing. And I’ve got work to do,” she added on wryly, reaching out to give him a pat on the chest.

“Look after Sylvia now, like

a good big brother,” she said.

“I will,” he promised, and he was worried for a second she’d find another reason to linger. The soft scent of sex in the air was still strong to him, and his nostrils flared, needing it more than anything else in the world. How long had Aunt Betty been there? Half hour? Longer?

What the fuck was Sylvia doing upstairs?

Aunt Betty left and got in her car, and Zach forced himself to wait to make sure she was gone completely as he locked the door and felt his mind wander back to Sylvia. Hell, it’d hardly ever been torn away for more than a second. The whole time his aunt was there, his dick had been throbbing in his pants dangerously, at the thought of his little sister and all they’d do. Would do.

When at last, she pulled out of the driveway he turned and made his way back to the stairs. He didn’t mean to run, just hurry, but run was the only way to describe the bounds he made up those stairs, barreling towards Sylvia’s room.

~Chapter 29~

It was quiet, though the light was on. Zach stood there for a few moments, listening, but there was only silence on the other end.

His heart was pounding, and he didn’t know what he was expecting to hear. The sound of her pleasuring herself?

What else could she have been doing up here as he had to deal with their aunt?

He placed his hand on the doorknob, turning it slowly. He held his breath as he pushed the door inwards a crack and looked to her bed.

There was his step-sister, still half undressed, her hand cupping her sex. Her breath rose in an even cadence, and his brows furrowed.

Was she asleep?