He smiled and got up off the bed, his body so well-toned and handsome, and not burned red by the sun like all the local farmers she saw.

“Would’ve invited you for a shower, but you seem in a rush. Just be a moment, doll,” he said with a playful wink, gathering up his clothes and heading to the washroom. He was gone for a few minutes, the sound of the tap running before he returned, looking as crisp and dashing as when she first saw him.

“Guess you’re eager to get going, huh?” he said, heading to the door to open it for her.

“Yea, I have to...” she said, standing up as he re-entered the room, smoothing down her hair. But she couldn’t quite remember what it was she’d set out to do that day. Her cheeks flushed as she looked at him, the memory slowly filtering back into her sex-addled mind. “Well, it’s personal is all. But I do have to be gettin’ back.”

He places a hand on the small of her back, right there at the cusp of her round, bubbly ass, and guides her out into the bright midday sun again.

“Sure thing, doll. I understand,” he says, guiding her to his car.

Though a familiar older face caught sight of her coming out, a silver haired older man that knew her father. Well, not her biological father anyhow.

“Hey Brittany, ya’ll okay?” he called out, the man was twice her age, but still tall, built like a brick house from all his hard work. He was there doing some repairs on the motel, by the looks of it.

She smiled and gave him a wave, and even with the flush to her cheeks and her slightly mussed up hair, she hoped he’d think everything was just fine.

“Sure thing! Just givin’ this nice man some directions. He’s hopin’ to bring some big Country Stars to our little county and figured I should be welcoming!”

The old family friend sized up her companion suspiciously before giving a nod.

“Mighty fine of ya. If you’re needin’ a lift, I can give ya one. Just lemme hop on over to the truck,” said Bill.

Trevor however just opened the door for her and casually rounded about to the driver’s side, paying little attention to the family friend as he hopped inside and started it up.

“Don’t go out of your way for me, Bill! But maybe ma and I can have you for Sunday dinner?” she asked as she moved into the passenger seat of Trevor’s fancy car, giving Bill an ear to ear grin.

The door slid shut and Trevor smiled at her, looking so cocky, but in a way that only made him look even more handsome. He pulled out of the spot, then laid a hand on her thigh.

“So where to, doll? Back where I found you, or…?” he asked. And she had a few options, she’d left the family truck back at the center of town, when she’d been on her way to see if anyone knew of her biological father.

She gave another bob of her head. “Yea, back to my truck. As long as you promise you can find your way back to the motel,” she teased.

He cracked a wry smile as he drove along, squeezing and rubbing his hand over her bare thigh beneath her jean shorts.

“Promise,” he said smoothly before pulling over near to her truck. “And don’t be shy now, huh? You’re always welcome to come pay me a visit tonight again…” he said, flashing her a wry, confident smile.

Her eyes dipped down, her face turning red.

She’d been trying to forget what they’d just done. That she’d lost her virginity to a total stranger, the first chance she got.

But it was harder to forget when she could still feel him in her. His warm hands stroking her and eliciting such a pleasurable thrill up and down her spine. It was sinful, but it made her yearn for more.

“I really shouldn’t be alone with you, seeing as how we can’t... seem to think straight together.”

He looked her over again then gave a light laugh.

“Well, as you wish,” he remarks with a casual shrug and a lick of his lips. “But keep me in mind, huh? Could always go have a bite to eat together in the diner like we talked about before. Lots of people around, so we’re not alone,” he said as the door slid open.

She shimm

ied out of the car, wondering if anyone could tell she was a changed person. A woman. The thought gave her a little thrill, then a moment of fear. She bit down on her lip, looking at him with such intensity in her clear blue eyes.

“I liked meeting you, Trevor.”

Her sudden tone shift caught him by surprise, but he recouped and smiled genuinely, giving her a nod.

“I really liked meeting you, Brittany,” he said with such emphasis. “Don’t forget… gimme a call, or drop by sometime. Any time,” he remarked before shutting the door, and then pulling away, leaving her back where she started, between the garage and just down from the library.