I was losin’ myself in more ways than one, my body needing that release. With all the adrenaline and worry and fear, I was ready to explode, and as he rubbed that slight little nub, I started tingling, and breathing so much harder.

And then it was like my mind went blank and I screamed, but only because I felt so good I couldn’t control it. My toes curled and my fingers dug into Asher’s firm ass, bringing him into me and crushing his thumb between our bodies.

My spine was arched so much it must’ve looked like it was about to snap. But on we went, his hard body poundin’ into mine as a wave of slick honey coated his manhood. And then… oh lordy, he toppled into the pleasure pit with me. His big ol’ shaft swelled, his balls tightened as they emptied themselves, and he blew such a thick, virile load of his seed into me that it’d put the horses and bulls to shame.

He roared out his pleasure as we both toppled into blissful oblivion together, hand in hand as we clutched one another. The two of us workin’ as one as we quivered and writhed and left our imprint into the couch beneath us.

My mouth went to his throat, kissing and suckling there as I whimpered and moaned his name, little half words, like a chant. “Ash, Ash, Ash,” I murmured, my new mantra, as I ground against him. I tried to get away from the intensity of the ecstasy he was giving me, but he never let me, and the sensations just kept building higher and higher.

It went on past the point I could take it, and my body was left feelin’ like jelly. Pricklin’, over-sensitive jelly. I squirmed and gasped, squealed beneath him until he stilled atop me too, his own large loins spent, his seed spilled into me entirely.

He was breathin’ hard and he kissed his way up my neck back to my lips, and we made out again. Like we was all that was left in the world, and our one moment was all that mattered.

* * *

That was the better part of a year ago. Of course, I weren’t thinkin’ of it back then, but now I’m gettin’ the full appreciation for what we’d done. And how love, no matter how pure or uncontrollable, has its consequences.

I cradle my big, swollen belly as I fry up the mornin’ eggs, lookin’ out over the pink sunrise. I stop though when I feel a kick in my belly. Ain’t nothin’ new, that lil’ one in me is quite the fighter, I think with a smile on my face. Just like their dad.

The house has been quiet as of late though, and I miss the ruckus, feels a lil’ lonely again. Though I know it won’t be long, not with this lil’ one on the way.

I serve up the eggs as usual, right alongside the crispy bacon and toast, then pour up some orange juice.

Walkin’ around’s becomin’ a real chore, but I don’t wanna skimp on breakfast, no matter what it takes. Gotta eat well, and keep up with the good practices, or I’ll get lazy. I know what I’m like, after all!

I sit myself down at the table, all by myself and find myself starin’ off in thought. Of all the ways things could’ve gone… I end up like this.

The sound of the storm door swinging open breaks my thought pattern though, and I look up. A big ol’ smile brightenin’ my face as Ash walks on in from the field.

“Hope I didn’t make too much of a ruckus this mornin’ with the tractor, just had to test out the repairs,” he explains, knowing I’ve been a bit sensitive to noise lately. He’s cut out listenin’ to his loud music as of late, because he knows that and the fact we’ll have a screamin’ lil’ one soon means we gotta enjoy the peace while it lasts.

“Don’t worry none, hun,” I say, smilin’ up at him so bright.

He makes his way over to me first and foremost, even though I know he’s starvin’. That appetite of his only gets all the worse with how much hard work he puts in ‘round the farm.

He kisses my forehead, and puts his arm around me, pressin’ his hand to my belly lightly.

“I love you, Shelby,” he says in his deep, husky voice. Those words we never got out in time for when we made our child, but which never failed to tumble from his lips each and every day. Never failed to sound so darn sincere.

I stroked his cheek, and felt just as in love with him as I did the first time we made love, maybe even more so.

“And I love you, Ash. To the moon and back.”

We’ve already set a date for the wedding ceremony. Though we got legally married not long after that first time, but we both wanted something a bit more showy. His sister’s even flying in from the big city for it, once the little one’s born. I wanted my weddin’ dress to be passed down to my kids, and hoped they wouldn’t make the same mistakes as me, even if I didn’t regret them for a second.

Better than all that, though, is that Ash got a letter from his Grandma back in Canada. She’s the one that he gave the little girl to — Lily — and his Grandma said she’s doing better than ever. After Hank took care of all those men, we never saw hide nor hair of that gang again, for now, but we still think of it every day.

Ash even burned the letter his Grandma gave him so that there wasn’t nothin’ that’d tie her to this.

But even with all that, it still feels so worth it. So peaceful, and like I really have a home again.

“I felt ‘im kick again!” Ash says, a proud grin on his face.

“You sure did, he never stops,” I say. “Now sit your arse on down before breakfast gets cold,” I scold playfully, but he only chuckles and kisses me once more. Once on the forehead, then again on the lips, nice and long and lovin’. Just as he always does, and promises he always will.

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