But the last fella was still at the motorcycles, and he fired at Asher. Asher ducked back behind the truck as a few more shots zipped past.

“Tell me where that fuckin’ girl is you thievin’ piece of shit!” cried out the man from the motorcycle. And I suddenly found myself utterly confused.

What girl?

“I’d sooner hand you my balls on a platter, Marv,” Asher called out in such a deceptively calm voice. A few more shots rang out.

“I’ll have your balls yet, you shit!” cried Marv, as his cohorts lay tied up, or huddled, shieldin’ themselves from the crossfire. “But you tell me where that girl is and maybe I won’t—”

Asher popped out, fired his first shot of the night, and I was terrified. Someone might die on my land… killed by the man I’d fallen for.

All over a girl?

I was stricken, in more ways than one. But when I dared peek out, I got to see what Asher did.

He’d shot out the tire on the motorcycle that Marv was hidin’ behind, so it toppled over atop the man, causin’ him to holler out from the crushin’ weight of that hunk of metal.

“Fuck you, Ash!” he cried out through gritted teeth, against the pain and agony. “You piece of shit!”

Asher came in at him cautiously, and kicked the gun out of his reach as quick as he could, leavin’ Marv pinned and in agony.

“I’m not handing over an innocent girl to the likes of you,” Asher said, holding the shotgun still.

I got up and pushed out through the storm door.

Though that was careless of me, ‘cause the moment I did… that big lug with the broken nose was on me, arm around my throat, hand wrestlin’ for my gun.

“Asher!” I cried out before the biker choked off my voice.

“Drop that fuckin’ shotgun, shit head!” he yelled over my shoulder at Asher. “And tell us where you took the girl too, or else this one gets it!” And it was more than an idle threat, because I eventually lost my grip on the gun.

There was no delay.

“Okay!” Asher said, slowly lowerin’ himself down to lay the shotgun on the ground. “Just let her go and I’ll tell you,” he said.

He let me go, but not entirely. He still grabbed my wrist, and pointed the gun at me.

“Where is she?!” he yelled. “You know she’s worth a lot of money to us, and she knows too much!”

Asher glanced to me, then back at Marv.

I was terrified, and confused more than I could possibly say.

But I guess some part of me trusted him, and that he was tryin’ to do right by whatever he was forced to do. He wouldn’t have pissed these folks off for no reason, and even if it was another girl, he was tryin’ to protect her from the likes of them.

Or maybe I was just dumb.

“Don’t, Asher,” I pleaded, and I knew it was foolish. What was I gonna do? Take a bullet for someone — somethin’ — I didn’t know or understand?

“Don’t worry Shelby,” Asher said to me, his rich, deep voice so calming. “She’s up north. I dropped her off with family there, far away from you. In Canada.”

“You lyin’ shit!” the biker yelled, and pointed the gun at Asher instead of me. “We checked there!”

Asher came forward, and I knew: it was either I do somethin’ or Asher gets shot. I pushed against the man’s arm, so that when he pulled the trigger the shot went astray.

My blood was pumpin’, and I felt like I might faint with how fast everythin’ was goin’ crazy. I thought I knew what I was in for, but I never, not even a little.

Asher barreled at us both, and before the biker could fire off another shot he was there. His fist pounded into the biker’s jaw, and he grabbed hold of the gun, pointing it away from us both.