He reached into his fancy black jacket's pocket and plucked out a little velvet box.

"Lucy, it's Valentine's Day, and though every year I had a lil' treat – usually somethin' sweet – to give you, I never did come right out an' say it. I love you," he said with such honesty. "I love you and I want you to be mine," he popped open the box, and inside I saw a sparklin' ring that had to have cost him years of hard labour.

My mouth dropped open and I knew I was in shock. There weren’t no other word to describe it. I was just blown away and I must’ve stood there for a while like a yokel, not sayin’ a word, because he squeezed my hand and was askin’ if everything was alright.

But really, it was better than alright. It was like he’d reached inside me and found the thing I wanted and didn’t know I wanted.

I gnawed my lower lip as my trembling hand reached for that box, touching my fingers over the glittering jewel.

He’d said he loved me. He loved me!

I reached out, wrapping my arms around him, though with how he was knelt and all, he was getting a face full of my tits more than anything.

Though Uncle John didn't seem to mind that too much. His own pair of thick arms went about me, squeezing me tight as those two mounds of flesh pressed to

his face, and he up and kissed 'em. Never could've imagined him doin' that before then, but once he was doin' it... nothin' ever felt so right.

Those rough hands of his stroked my back, up from rear to my shoulder blades, then back down. He slowly rose up, kissing his way along my breasts, my collarbone, to my shoulders then finding my lips.

"I'ma take that as a yes," he said with an uneven smile. Uncle John never struck me as a romantic fella, but he was so calm and cool then, even as I knew his heart was beatin' as hard as mine. He was a real man, and he scooped me up into his arms, holding me by my rear.

I nodded my head at him, my arms, my legs, all wrapped around him as if I was tryin’ to become one with him or something. Maybe I was. Just tryin’ to show how much I loved him by squeezing him, by pulling him as close as I could to me.

“Of course yes,” I said, as if there weren’t no other answer. Which, for me, there wasn’t. It was what it was.

Seein' him grin with excitement at my words, I knew there was no other way for either of us. Completely unintended, a lifetime together had made us just parts of a whole.

He celebrated by kissing me, deep and hard. It wasn't a chaste sorta thing like I was used to, it was penetrating, his tongue pressed deep into my mouth as he lashed against my own moist muscle. His two big hands squeezed and groped at my ass, and we made out there for ages. My first real kiss, and boy! What a doozy.

Though it didn't stop there, I mean... for the sake of decency, I should fib and say it did. But truth of the matter was, years of love and lust bubbled out of us both then. Feelin's I didn't know, let alone know I had, came up, and his strong hand slid from my ass to my top. He tugged that plaid fabric open and he cupped my bare breast in beneath, squeezed and kneaded that supple mound with his palm and fingers.

My eyes rolled up in my head and I felt more pleasure than I ever had before. Yea, I touched myself a couple times, but it never felt nothin’ like this. Not even close.

My pink nipples stiffened into his hard, workin’ hands and I leaned back to let him squeeze them. He never did it too hard, but it wasn’t soft neither, and I was writhing my hips against him something fierce as I felt that heat start up beneath my shorts again.

In return, I got to feel Uncle John's own special heat. And hardness.

A thick bulge had grown in his black pants, and it pressed against me as I instinctually ground against him. I was innocent, naive, no more than a filly in heat actin' to nature now that Uncle John had opened the gates.

He held me up with such ease just usin' one arm, and with the other he fondled and felt me out, luxuriated in the feel of my skin like I was some fancy dame and not just a suntanned farm girl.

My head – my whole world! – was spinnin', so that I didn't even know he had moved us until my back hit the sofa. There was no time to make it to the bed, and Uncle John was undoin' my daisy dukes as our lips smacked noisily.

Now, I've always been a right religious and good girl, Uncle John no different! Aside from the girl part, that is. But that night... we was like the wild animals, who never knew farm life. We couldn't have waited for our weddin' night no more than a wolf could sit and play fetch.

Was nothing more than nature when my legs wrapped around him, trying desperately to keep him close after he’d taken away my shorts and revealed that place that no one had ever seen before. It was my sacred secret, you know? But it was glistening with honey beneath the little blonde curls of hair, and I wanted him to touch me there.

His mouth went to my teat, though, and he was sucking hard on that stiff little nub. Sparks were going through me, my entire body feelin’ hotter and hotter as he kissed my breast. Oh, if I thought him touchin’ it was a new sensation, this was like something I’d never even dreamed up.

As Uncle John kissed and suckled at my teat like he was ravenous, his large, hard hand dipped down and I couldn't help but gasp as he touched my sacred little 'V'. He rubbed those fingers along its glistening folds, teased and taunted such excited, pleasured sensations out of it, made them spiderweb throughout my whole body.

I was rocking beneath him, archin' my spine up as he felt me out. I barely even noticed as he began to shed his clothes, the supper preparation all forgotten as he began to shed his finery to reveal the hard, muscled physique beneath. All that glistening hard body, bulging pecs, ripped abs...

It all started to make sense what I felt when I looked at him each day in the fields.

Doubly so when he began to unbuckle that belt, and I got my first view of a man's private parts. Such big, hefty balls and a thick, veiny shaft that was bigger than I ever would've thought. I had nothin' to compare it too!

I couldn’t help but stop and look down. I didn’t have a lot of experience, but I knew what the animals did, and I knew one thing more than any other.