I relaxed against him, enjoying my own sandwich in littler bites. He just felt so good, and I squirmed closer until my naked thigh was pressed against his pant leg. All around us was the fresh scent of the farm, and with the sun out and just the little sprinklings of clouds, it was the perfect day for me. I didn’t want for a lot, and if I lived every day like this one, that’d be just swell.

“Is it big?” I asked, turning to look at him, my eyes as round and saucer like as I could make them, tryin’ to look innocent so he might let it slip what he was givin’ me.

It didn't work though, but for a moment I thought it might. He gazed at me, then brought his hand down from my shoulder to nip at my side. He lunged in and placed a kiss to my temple.

"Don't be greedy, you'll find out before long," he said with a broad grin, brushing a hand back over his dark, neatly trimmed beard. "But I really hope ya like it," he said, looking back to his food.

And though my eyes trailed back down to his hard abs, the sight of all that rippling muscle peppered with dark hair and glistening with perspiration, I reflected on his recent trip to town. He was gone longer than usual, and for once didn't take me. I thought nothin' of it at the time, since he gave me some urgent chores that needed doin', but I guess he was off conspirin' to surprise me.

I was practically busting at the seams, though, and I bounced in my seat, my breasts jiggling as my thigh brushed against him again and again.

“You’re killin’ me, Uncle John!” I said with a squeak to my voice, pressing my chest into his arm and looking up at him again. “Just a little hint?”

He watched me, those beautiful steely-grey eyes of his soaking in my every motion, appreciating every little thing about me though I had no way of grasping all that then.

"Well, alright," he said, taking his time and thinking about it a he stared off. "It's small," he said slowly, "but it's gonna be huge."

My innocent mind could only conjure up images of seeds sprouting into plants, or saplings into trees. Was he gonna start plantin' that orchard we'd talked about? No wait! It occurred to me: maybe it was a puppy!

Even in my excitement I knew better than to say that out loud though, 'cause what if it wasn't a puppy? And he saw how happy I was? Then later the actual surprise wasn't as good? He'd feel awful and I'd feel even worse!

"Alright Uncle John," I said, smiling to myself with such excitement, barely able to suppress the eagerness as I fidgeted and squirmed beside him. I even leaned up and gave him a kiss on the cheek before he had a chance to pull away. It prompted him to lean back in and give me one in return, though he slipped and hit my lips just a bit, unlike usual.

"Alright, got a lotta work to do this afternoon so's I'm ready for this evenin'," he said, rubbing my back as he rose up once more. "Remember what I said! No peekin' in the house. I don't want nothin' ruined."

"Yes sir, Uncle John!" I said to him obediently, a little slower to finish my food despite how much less there was of it. My giddy enthusiasm was keeping me distracted.

* * *

That had to be the longest afternoon of my life, not even tendin 'to the horses could distract me. Brushing down their glossy coats became a chore for once, as I squirmed and practically hopped.

Lookin' back, I wish I had known well enough to get dressed up right fancy. Instead of stayin' in my old daisy dukes and worn top that barely stayed tied up. Yet nothin' serious was on my mind, and I figured I was gettin' a dog anyhow, and I wouldn't want him pawin' and slobberin' over my good Sunday dress.

When the time came to head in and start supper, I found the door to the dinin' room shut, and just as he'd said, there was a bundle of some fresh vegetables we didn't even grow. Fruits even! And a fresh ham ready for the cookin'.

As I got to work on it all I could hear strange sounds comin' from inside the house. But I did my best not to pay it no mind, if Uncle John thought he was gonna keep a puppy quiet and secret all day, he had another thing comin'!

Of course, when the time came, and he came to get me, it weren't no puppy that waited behind that door.

"It's time," he said, as he opened the door behind me.

"Just a second, Uncle John!" I said, stirrin' the vegetables in the pot. "The ham's gonna be another bit yet," I said, slowly turning around to smile at him.

But the Uncle John I found myself lookin' at were a whole other man.

It was the same fella alright, but he had a whole other look to him. His hair combed back, wearin' a fine new suit that looked real good on his big, muscular body. My mouth dropped. He didn't look like one of them fancy fops though, he looked rugged and handsome still, but good. Dressed up and sexy.

"Uncle John...?" I said, starin' at him, unable to even think about how bad my own raggedy clothes looked by comparison.

"I was gonna wait until after we ate, but... come on in here, I can't wait no longer, Lucy," he said, and he stepped out of the way. Giving me a full view inside of the dinin' room table all done up. A fancy new tablecloth, candles lit, a bottle of wine and everythin'!

Was real swanky, and I looked over the spread. “Wait ‘til after we ate to show me the table all done up?” I asked, just teasing. I brushed my hands down the front of my shorts and looked at him all sophisticated and felt my cheeks growing warm.

“I gotta change, Uncle John. Wouldn’t do neither of us any good me dressed like this.” My breasts were spilling out of my top, my midriff still bared, and my shorts riding up my ass.

But before I could leave, he grasped a hold of my wrist and held me there. He dropped down to one knee, and big as he was, he still nearly beat me in height!

"Lucy," he said in a soft voice, "we've been together many a year now, and you... well, you're long since a woman." He looked me over, and it was only then I started to get some inkling of how it was Uncle John saw me. The desire in his eyes, though I still didn't have a name for it, was palpable. "By right's this farm's yours now, but somethin's still amiss."