Even after all week together, she’d been self-assured and confident, always smiling and pleasant as she did her work. And she was a hard worker. I’d never seen the house so clean, everything polished and looking like new.

So it was a bit strange to see her look so weak and overjoyed, tears glittering in her eyes as she looked at me.

There was a pause, where we just stared at one another, me beaming, her more conflicted, before she closed the distance.

Her long, toned legs carried her towards me, arms flung about my neck as if no one had ever shown her an ounce of kindness before.

I’m not a man prone to emotional displays, in case that weren’t clear. But to have her cryin’ before me, arms about me, well… I couldn’t help it, I wrapped my thick arms about her, pressing my bulging biceps and forearms into her back as I squeezed her in return. That smaller, daintier form up against my tough muscle and sinew, able to feel the soft femininity in her so contrasting.

“Ain’t really nothin’,” I said somewhat sheepishly. “Just wanna make sure you’re comfortable and at home here, Rosa.”

But that weren’t all it was, even I was sure of that then.

But when she looked up at me with such affection, it was hard to really think anything otherwise. She was stunned by my little act of kindness and appreciation, and she was just about damn near quivering.

“I love it,” she said, her arms still about my thick neck. “It’s the nicest thing.”

Feeling her embrace me, hanging from my body and looking up at me with such appreciation only made me want her all the more. And I knew then and there I never wanted her to leave my farm. Or my life.

I let my hands stroke along her back and gazed down at her beautiful form, absolutely smitten with her.

“I’ll have it all finished by the time supper’s ready,” I said to her in a low murmur. “But don’t expect the herbs to be ready just yet,” I joked, trying to lighten the situation, because frankly… I was loving having her in my arms too much.

I was afraid she’d notice, if she kept her belly pressed up against me too much longer, but she didn’t want to pull away either.

“Of course not,” she said softly, her lips still twitching, her eyes still big and shimmering.

“Tyler,” she whispered, and my name sounded so good coming off her tongue. “This means so much to me, I can’t possibly express.”

Her words touched me, heart and soul, but I did the manly thing and tried to shrug it off, literally. Though I couldn’t help the confession that spilled forth.

“It’s partly selfish,” I said, looking back to her eyes though I desperately wanted to avoid them for fear she’d see the full truth. “I don’t want you up and leavin’ my lil’ farm any time soon, Rosa. Much prefer it if you stayed here with me for the long haul.”

“The long haul?” she repeated, and I knew it was more her being uncertain if I meant it, rather than misunderstanding the words or the saying.

She licked her lips as her smile widened and her arms tightened around my neck.

“Oh, I would love that!”

I couldn’t help it, but I lifted her up then and spun her around with glee at her excitement. I’d never longed for someone’s companionship like I had with Rosa, and maybe it was my over excitement, but once the spin came to an end, I found myself ensnared in her gaze again, and dove down to steal a kiss from her lips.

Maybe I could claim it was manly bravado, but dammit, I was just caught up on the moment. And those full, succulent lips of hers cried out to be kissed.

I couldn’t have been more grateful that she kissed me in kind. I couldn’t detect even a second’s hesitation or uncertainty as her lips pressed to mine. I felt more like I’d just proposed rather than simply offered her a long term job, but clearly both of us knew it was something so much more.

Those long meals filled with easy conversation and flirtatious glances weren’t nothing, after all.

I couldn’t help but feel out her smooth back, on down to her round rear. My strong hands traced down over the curve of her cheeks before sinking in through her shorts and savouring the supple feel. I could’ve spent an eternity just feelin’ her then and there as we made out. Our lips smacking together, the moist sounds filling the afternoon air as the sun warmed our skins.

As I pulled back our eyes met once more, and I was just smitten. In love, I realized for the first time.

“I want you, Rosa,” I said in a deep, gravelly husk, as if my mouth had detached from my brain and just spoke the truth of its own accord.

It all happened so fast after those words tumbled from my mouth. Her hand was on my bare, sweaty chest, feeling out those hard muscles with such relish. It traced down, finding the button of my jeans before descending further, her hand rubbing along that throbbing piece beneath the denim.

She rubbed me, all the while staring at me, feeling my thick hardness so brazenly.

I couldn’t help but groan aloud at that touch, my dick swelling beneath her fingers, getting bigger so much faster. It’d been years since I’d rolled in the hay with the girls at the holiday get togethers, my sex drive put on hold as I coped with isolation.