We ate in quiet for a while, until near the end he reached over, placed his big ol' hand on my bare knee and thigh.

"It's been real nice havin' you stay with me this past week," he said, and though he sounded so happy, I could tell he wasn't lookin' forward to my havin' to head home for the weekend.

“Ya, it’s been real swell,” I said, licking my lips and hating the way his brows furrowed a little bit, makin’ him look so much sadder. My thumb went to his face before I could even stop it, trying to smooth out those lines before I realized what I was doin’.

“I’ll be back bright and early on Monday, you know,” I said as I squirmed beneath his hand. It was makin’ me feel even hotter, especially between my thighs and beneath my plain white panties.

As big and strong as he was, he was a sweet man, and when he leaned in and placed his lips to mine, I wasn't frightened. Nor was I upset! I was surprised, but pleasantly so. And I couldn't help but flutter my eyes shut as I got what was my first, honest to goodness kiss.

A real grown up, adult kiss, I mean. A man's lips to mine, passionate and lovin', not like the silly kisses kids give each other, or a ma gives her child, which was the only other sorta thing I ever had.

Mr. Avery squeezed my thigh and I could feel his moist tongue prod between my lips. I parted 'em willingly, and felt him explore my mouth just a bit.

It was such a sweet moment, and my body still felt all rubbery and soft from the ride. I felt like I could just melt right into him, truth be told. And his free hand came up to grasp me at the shoulder and brace me, as if he sensed that.

He pulled back at long last, our lips parting as I opened my eyes and found us staring at one another.

I didn’t know what to say. I ain’t done nothin’ like that before so I didn’t know even what to do. But I wanted more. I really liked the feel of his mouth on mine, tasting the way he tasted, feeling his warmth. It was making me all tingly on the inside, and I stared at him for what felt like a long time before I became really aware of how his hand felt on my thigh and the way his fingers were digging into my flesh.

He was so near my womanhood, and I was kinda scared and nervous but at the same time I wanted to feel him move up just a little, brush against my jean shorts. Just enough to take the pressure off that throbbing between my legs, nothing serious.

But at the same time, I kinda wanted for somethin’ I didn’t have words for and that made me feel a bit ashamed, but not, ‘cause it was him and not some dumb boy. He was old as my pa, and lonely like me. He squeezed my shoulder and I moved in towards him, feelin’ so good.

“Mr. Avery,” I said, but I didn’t know what I figured was gonna follow.

He took care of that, all he needed to see was that I wanted him, like he wanted me.

Big and strong, he moved his hands. From my shoulder, he dipped down to my bare back, from my thigh he crept up beneath my jean shorts to my soft, inner thigh flesh. He pressed his lips back to mine, and we made out.

It was the nicest thing I ever felt, and Mr. Avery made it all so sweet and carefree. He pressed me back gently to the blanket,

his big, strong torso up over me, makin' me dare to touch upon all those hard muscles of his. It was glorious...

I never knew men could feel like that. So hard, so masculine, but so warm and reassurin'. He was everythin' good in men, times a thousand! And he was taken with me, I knew it. Like a gentleman's fancy, not some boy out for a roll in the hay and nothin' more!

I felt his hand circle around from my back as I lay down flat to the picnic blanket, felt those hard, long fingers search over my flat tummy, up to my breasts... skirtin' the edge of 'em along my tied-up top.

I didn’t wear a bra, and honestly it got a little hard sometimes ‘cause I was pretty chesty, and sometimes they hurt a bit when I was runnin’. But bras were too damned hot, and I didn’t care for them none, and never was I happier for that than when I felt him trace around those large mounds.

It was like electricity goin’ from him to me, and my legs parted so he could touch between them a bit better. It was so hot, and he was pressed atop me, but it was a good kinda hot. The kinda hot you want, you know?

I still couldn’t believe how good he felt and my tongue pressed against his and I guess it was kinda childish ‘cause he stilled and repeated my motion but slower. Sexier, not this little whip crack of my tongue like I did.

So I repeated that against him, and he moaned his approval and there wasn’t nothin’ I wanted more than to hear that noise.

Well, nothin' more than what he did next.

His hand slid up beneath my daisy duke shorts, and he touched those hard fingers to my private girl parts, right over top of my panties!

I almost screamed at the jolt that went through me. It was like lightning, like a whip crack that made my body stand at attention. It was really intense, is what I’m sayin’, and I could tell that I was really damp because the fabric was clinging to my privates.

Instead I moaned, real loud, into his mouth, and wriggled to be closer to him, my hand goin’ up to his face and pulling him in a bit closer to my lips.

We lay there in the grassy field, our two horses nearby as Mr. Avery and I savoured the moment. That strong hand of his touchin’ against my most delicate of parts, that work-hardened thumb of his brushin’ against my lady bits, those puffy lil’ wet folds.

But then it got so much more real, his other hand came between us, and undid those shorts, loosenin’ ‘em up before he gave a tug and downed ‘em. My panties had to be peeled off though, my naked slit so sticky with excitement it was almost like they were glued on!

“Oh Daisy,” he growled out, in that deep, husky voice of his, so manly as to make me quiver. Though the touch of his bare fingers upon my naked cunny turned a quiver into a full on shiver and shake!