“Perfect,” he growled out. “Now Annie, I want you very bad right now… very, very bad,” he stressed in his low, bestial tone. “So what’s it gonna be, huh?”

His lips hung so close to mine, all it’d take was the slightest waver in my stance to make ‘em brush together and have my first real kiss. So little…

I whimpered, my breath brushing against his lips, and it was like I went from zero to sixty in a half second, because suddenly I was ready to throw caution to the wind. That bit of brute force, the intensity that was in his body, in his gaze...

It was unreal, and I parted my lips softly, but didn’t know what to say. It was so brazen and wrong, yet...

He sealed our lips together, my head locked in place by the strong grasp of his hand around my ponytail. His tongue snaked into my mouth, and we were makin’ out somethin’ fierce right away. A passion bubblin’ out from him immediately as he wrapped his other arm around my bare waist, beneath my tied-up plaid shirt.

I felt nearly crushed against his hard body

as he swept me literally up off my feet for a moment, that free hand of his slidin’ on down my lower back, until those strong fingers was a diggin’ into my rear and squeezin’ my ass cheeks so tight.

God, he felt good. Strong and warm, his mouth hard and soft all at once. I was pressed into him, consumed by him, and even though I just barely met him, I was lost to his passions. The paperwork and cigarette both slipped from my hands as I wrapped my arms around his neck, lettin’ him lead me, ‘cause I didn’t know what I was doin’, not really.

I was just goin’ with the flow, and what a strong current it was.

He picked me up off the ground, holdin’ me with that one strong arm graspin’ my rear, and I was swoonin’. Our tongues lashed one another, and though I had no experience with makin’ out, it was easy to just respond to him in kind.

The low, guttural growls a comin’ out of his chest were such a delight, they excited me to hear, made me feel how genuine his desire was. He kneaded the flesh of my rear until at last he turned us around, pressed me up against the car. His hand slid along my leg, liftin’ up my thigh so that I hooked my legs over his hips. And then… oh boy, I could feel the throb of his manhood pressed up against me.

Sure, we had the fabric of our pants separatin’ us, but it didn’t feel any less primal. I mean, I was burnin’ hot against him, and he was hard as steel against me. Without even wantin’ to or tryin’, my body was respondin’ to him, grinding against him like you wouldn’t believe. I mean, I definitely wouldn’t have believed I’d act so wantonly after just meetin’ a man.

If you’d have told me just an hour before he arrived what I’d be a doin’, I’d laugh right in your face!

But there I was, in the middle of the sunny day, pressed up against a stranger’s car, humpin’ and grindin’ with him like we was animals in the field. It was shameless, it was lewd, and by golly it was just raw need at work. I couldn’t have stopped myself from grindin’ up on his dick if there was a small fortune awaitin’ me.

One of his big strong hands reached up, undid the front of my shirt and let my breasts spill out, bare. The tops of ‘em sunkissed, but the rest a bit milky. And it was there, on that delicate porcelain skin, he grasped and squeezed at me.

I didn’t have nobody or nothin’ to compare him to, but the way he touched my breasts was somethin’ amazin’. His hands were smooth but his grip was hard, his finger and thumb playing with my nipple, squeezing it and teasin’ it until it was rock hard before he lowered his face to me and kissed me, right there on my sensitive skin.

The Spring sun was shinin’ down upon my bare skin as that man hungrily devoured my flesh. His mouth workin’ at my teat, tastin’ me like nobody ever had before. He was ravenous, and he worked his hand down to the front of my daisy duke shorts, unbuttonin’ ‘em, tuggin’ ‘em open as he suckled at my stiff nipple, givin’ a final flick of his tongue over its surface.

I had to admit... he was good. I mean, I’d never been so foolish, so blindly in lust, not ever. Not even close. But all I wanted was to go all the way with him, to feel somethin’ real, that I’d never felt before. And with his calmness over top of a broilin’ desire, the way he was touchin’ me, I knew he had to be a pro.

And then he touched my wetness through my white, cotton panties, and it was like my world just went black but for the pleasure.

All that I could feel was the touch of his hand to my lady parts, the gentle rub of my most private of privates… it was intense. I couldn’t hardly contain myself! I moaned into the warm midday air, and he nipped at my breasts with his mouth.

And then he did somethin’ more daring still, he slipped his fingers in beneath the pale cotton and touched his hand to my slick folds, bare and uncovered. He circled his fingertips around and teased a part of me I never fully explored myself even.

“Oh, oh!” I cried to the wind, my back arching, my body crying out for release as I ground into that touch and then tried to shy away as it became too much. He wouldn’t let me, though, and I started to quiver and quake, my nerves on fire, my tummy flutterin’ like moths were let loose in it.

He did things to my body I never could’ve imagined before then, and he just never let up. He kept me pinned to his fancy car, kissin’ from my breasts up my neck, nibblin’ at my tender skin as he continued to work his fingers inside my panties. The lil’ swirls of his long fingers stokin’ my fires so hot I swear I could hear the crackle of the flames.

I screamed out, and I knew no one was around to hear but I still felt self-conscious and bit down on my lip real hard, tryin’ to calm myself down, but that was useless. I just couldn’t stop wrigglin’ like a worm, letting out these little gasps that sounded like I was in pain but I wasn’t feelin’ no pain, not a lick.

He bit my neck and oh... I never thought much ‘bout the term love bite, but I knew what it was then because it felt so good I could barely believe it.

My panties were soaked, and there he kept goin’, touchin’ at my most private of privates, makin’ me wriggle and squirm and moan all out of control like. He kept me pressed between his rock hard body and that warm metal of his car, nippin’ at my skin, and slidin’ his free hand up along my figure.

He took his time, like he was appreciatin’ my flesh for all it was worth. He let his hand glide on up to my breast, his fingers sinkin’ into its flesh, squeezin’ and kneadin’ at it as he continued to tease and provoke my lil’ clit.

There came a point, though I don’t know exactly when, that I just completely lost it. Was like my mind went blank, and all there was was this... tension. A tightness just beggin’ to be released, and when his tongue flicked over my throat once more, and his finger swirled just so, I came undone.

I would’ve lost my footing if not for him pinnin’ me up, my knees were shakin’ just that bad, and I was screaming so loud my throat hurt, but it all felt so good, it was unreal.

It was like the fourth of July, everythin’ went suddenly dark and then lights went off. My body felt like it was bein’ torn apart by pleasure from the inside out, but the truth of the matter was he was just bringin’ me to the most pleasant point of my life to that point.