“Beauty like yours is rare. There are very few women in this world with the essence of my tribe. I see that in you.”

He reached out and touched a small arrowhead fastened to the leather-tied necklace she wore. “Only certain tribes make jewelry like this. These indentions and markings are made to show what you do.” He stared at the unusual green-blue turquoise stone, studying it.

She stood motionless, scared yet enthralled by his actions.

“You’re a messenger, aren’t you?”

She looked away then up into his deep, dark eyes. “Yes, yes I am. I was sent to find you. I could tell that you were close, I just wasn’t expecting…” She paused to collect herself and continued. “I have a message for you, from the elders.”

“What is it?”

“I…um…I can’t tell you. Not yet. Not here.” Maya fumbled her words as the inner presence of the man crept through her. He was already getting into her head. She clung to his medallion as she realized she wanted more than just the thought of him—she had the need to feel him. The mystic abilities that enabled her to find spirits brought her here. But the connection to this being was affecting her in sensual and lustful ways.

She’d grown up hearing legends and tales about the Dark Lord of Lust. Women retelling their experiences and speaking of the dreams he’d fulfilled. How he opened them to a new world of pleasure. This was her chance to understand what others had related in their stories. Before her was a walking, breathing, fucking myth. “I need to take you somewhere. Then I’ll tell you what you need to know. It’s not far.” She gave him back the medallion then held out her hand, reaching for him. “Please.”

He paused for a moment then took her small hand in his, walking away as the rain continued. Looking back at the cemetery, thoughts of Kelly filled his heart once more. He knew moments like this would always bring back reminders of the night he’d lost her—and the knowledge of how far he’d go to find her again.


They sat in a darkened bar, their clothing still damp from the rain. The crowded booths were fogged with clouds of cigarette smoke and people talked aimlessly as they attempted to hook up with the next one-night stand. Most people came to places like this seeking something—to forget or meet someone new. There was a heavy aura to this place like the weight of desperation hovering over it.

Maya had brought him here to tell him the message? What could this place have to do with a message from the elders?

“I was asked to seek you out so you could help a lost soul,” Maya began. “This soul needs to locate a new body to find peace in this realm.” She paused. “You have the ability to find the right donor. Your powers with women are why you have to be the one to find her.”

“How am I supposed to help a soul find peace? Who am I to find her a dying soul to revive her own life force? If I choose the wrong one, the soul will disperse.” He frowned. “I went through hell after causing the death of someone I loved. Did they tell you that? Because of me, an innocent died before my eyes. Just let me be.”

Maya could see this was bothering him. “Yes, I know what happened. I know you were made mortal for a period because you took a life in anger. Then as a mortal you found love and that gift was stripped from you as a test. But think about this, Pilan. With this gesture you can redeem yourself in the eyes of the elders as well as yourself. You can help someone begin again.”

He thought for a moment then looked at Maya. He sensed something uneasy about her. He tried to read her thoughts but couldn’t penetrate her mind as he did others. “What do I need to do?”

“You see that woman there?” She pointed toward the bar.

He looked where Maya indicated to see a pretty redhead cleaning the long wooden countertop. “The bartender?”

“Yes. Her name is Tasha. She will guide you. Someone she is in touch with will be the dying soul.”

The Dark Lord shook his head. “Can’t you just tell me who the dying soul is?”

“Pilan, being a messenger only gives me the ability to sense spirits in your realm. I can’t help you with this task. This is something you are being asked to do. Maybe helping this lost soul will reveal the soul you seek for your own salvation.” Maya could sense his sadness lifting a little. She was helping him find a glimmer of hope.

Looking into his darkened eyes, Maya felt the power of his passion and a surprising heat crept through her body.


ou’re scared of me, aren’t you?” He stared back at her. “I can sense you trembling inside.”

“I’m not scared. Just—excited. I know who you are and what you do to women.”

“I don’t do anything they haven’t asked me for.” He paused and moved closer to Maya. “Tell me, what is the real reason you are guiding me? Nobody does anything without a purpose.”

He was ominous, an overpowering presence before her. He was a beast—massive and aggressive—compared to Maya’s small, fragile frame. She reached out and grasped the golden medallion dangling from his neck. “I will tell you, but there’s something I want from you first…”


Maya’s face contorted as she grimaced. Her fingers dug at the bedding as he pushed into her from behind. Their bodies were hot and her inner thighs were sore from being spread apart so long. She tried pushing back to meet his thrust. Her body shuddered from the force of his crushing against her.

He paused. “You want me to…”